Please take notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of Shira Hadasha, Melbourne will take place on Sunday 29 November 2015 at the Shira Premises, 222 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North at 10.30am.
- The confirmation of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 February 2014.
- The presentation and consideration of the President’s Report.
- The presentation and consideration of the Financial Report.
- The election of office bearers and members of the Board.
- The consideration of any motion of which not less than seven days notice in writing has been received.
- General Business.
In accordance with Clause 12.1(b) of the Constitution, nominations are now open for the following office bearers and Board members:
One (1) President for a one year term
One (1) Vice President for a one year term
One (1) Secretary for a one year term
Four (4) members of the Board
Only Financial Members of the Congregation may nominate, second or accept nomination for any of those positions. Nominations must be lodged with the Secretary by email to
Membership can be taken out by clicking here.
Voting at General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, by proxy is not allowed under Clause 19 of the Constitution.
Please also note that the Financial Report is available on request and will in any event be discussed at the meeting.