
The weather is wild and unpredictable - it must be Sukkot time!  Thank you to all who contributed and davened with us over Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, it was an incredible time at Shira.  Now we look forward to continuing the momentum together, and celebrating Sukkot & Simchat Torah with you.

We are still open for membership, and we thank  all those who have supported us so far. It's not too late to take out membership, and we always gratefully welcome your contribution! Click here to take out membership!

Sukkot times & events are as follows:

Thursday 9 October - Shacharit 9.30am
A light kiddush will be held at the home of Alex Fein and Yaron Gottleib at 28 Normanby Avenue (not Road!) after shule.

Friday 10 October - Shacharit 9.30am

Special event! Join us for a very special Sukkot after shule (12 approx) at the Tamir's beautiful sukkah at 14 Airdrie Road, Caulfield. Thank you to Lindy and Eddie Tamir who are kindly sponsoring a light lunch in the Sukkah.  Over lunch, we will hear a presentation by educator and Director of Teaching Israel, Ilan Blochon "Finding meaning in the Fruit & Veg Aisle: How might we find meaning as individuals and a community during the Sabbatical year (Shmittah)." 

Join our Sukkot facebook events groups for more information and updates!

Kabbalat Shabbat 10 October - 6.30pm (*note new time)

Shabbat 11 October - 9.30am (*note new time) Come and hear Yardena Prawer read the beautiful soulful words of Kohelet.
A light kiddush will be held at the home of Annette Charak and Alain Herz at 18 Pental Road after shule.

All are welcome to join in our Kiddushes and we are thankful to all our respective generous hosts for the use of their Sukkahs!

Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah (more details to follow in next email)

Shmini Atzeret 16 October - Shacharit 9.15am

Kids dinner & Simchat Torah activities for ages 0-7 - 5pm
Simchat Torah nighttime celebrations 7.30pm

Simchat Torah 17 October
Shacharit 9.15am 
Hakafot 10.30am
Aliyot 11.00am
Kol Nearim/Kallat HaTorah/Chatan Bereishit 12 noon

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Lulav & Etrog

Bnei Akiva is selling Lulav and Etrog sets at discounts to Shira members who mention this email: 10% of final purchase price if you purchase 2-4 sets, and 20% off to purchase 5+ sets, please contact

Save the Date - Shira's AGM is scheduled to take place on Sunday night 7 December 2014 at 8pm, more details to follow.

We sadly advise of the passing of Daniel Hertzberg z'l, on 2 October, father of Ruth Pojer. We extend our condolences to Ruth and the entire family at this sad time and wish them all a long and healthy life.

Mazeltov to Mark and Karen Symons on the engagement of Ariella Symons to Simon Holloway, we wish all the families much joy, nachas and blessings, on this exciting occasion.

Finally, tickets are now on sale for the Jewish International Film Festival (JIFF), more information on the program and purchasing tickets can be found here

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom

Posted on October 7, 2014 .

Yizkor Drasha – Repent. Pray. Give.

Parts in Regular font read by Ittay Flescher

Parts in bold read by Carm Rose 

Hey there everybody. Each week I try and listen to my two favourite podcasts, This American Life and its Hebrew cousin Sipur Yisraeli (now also available in English). They each choose a theme and bring you different stories on that theme. Today being Yom Kippur, for those who have never heard the podcast before, we are presenting to you three stories around the theme, Teshuva, Tfilla and Tzedakah, as seen in Shira’s version of Julia Robert’s film, Repent Pray Give.

From WBEZ Chicago, it's This Shira Life. I'm Ittay Flescher. Stay with us. 

Act One: Repent

We searched far and wide for a meaningful story of teshuva, and are pleased to share the work of Israeli author Etgar Keret, in our first story about what Teshuva means to him.

My strangest Yom Kippur apology story began when I was 4. One of the kids in my new preschool group was a pretty, sweet girl named Noa. She was quiet and smiley, two qualities I was not blessed with, and when I once accidentally touched her thick blonde hair, it felt like sticky cotton candy. I really wanted to play with her but didn’t exactly know how to do it, so after six months of looking at her from a distance, I decided to make a move, and one morning, when I saw her running next to me in the yard, I stuck out my foot and tripped her.

Noa fell and hurt herself. She started to cry, and when the teacher ran over to help her, Noa pointed at me and said, “He did it. He tripped me.” The teacher, who liked me very much, asked me if it was true, and I immediately said no.

The teacher rebuked Noa, “Etgar is a good boy who never lies. Why are you making up such terrible things about him? You should be ashamed of yourself!” Noa, who’d almost stopped crying, started all over again, and the teacher stroked my head and walked off angrily. Right then I wanted to tell Noa I was sorry and confess to the teacher that I’d lied, but I couldn’t find the courage. Meanwhile, another girl helped Noa walk over to the fountain so she could wash her scraped knee, and I remained standing in the yard.

An unsaid sorry can keep you awake at night. Or in this case, 13 years. Finally, at age 17, Etgar Keret decides to apologise.

 “Noa?” I said in a very shrill voice. Noa stopped, took off her headphones, and studied me. “I’m Etgar,” I said, “Etgar Keret. We were once in the same preschool together.” She smiled and said she remembered preschool but didn’t remember me. I told her about how I tripped her and lied, and how she cried because of the affront and a little because of the pain, but she didn’t remember any of it.

“It was a long time ago,” she said, half-apologetically.

“But I remember,” I persisted, “and soon it’s going to be Yom Kippur, and I wanted to apologize.”

“Apologize for something stupid you did when you were 4?” she said and smiled that lovely smile I remembered from preschool. “Apology accepted,” she said after a brief pause, and then put her orange headphones over her ears and left.

I remember going home from school on that day having done my teshuva. I rode my bike, the pedals turned easily, the road felt smooth, and even the uphill parts felt like they were downhill. I never saw her again, but since then, whenever I have a strong urge not to tell the truth, I think of her outside her high-school classroom, smiling broadly, her face full of pimples, saying she accepted my apology. Then I take a deep breath, and lie.

Etgar Keret is a Tel Aviv-based filmmaker and fiction writer. He also writes a regular column  from Israel for Tablet.

We now enter the second part of this Yom Kippur Episode

Act 2: Pray

Fifty one years ago, American President John F. Kennedy organized a meeting of religious leaders to discuss civil rights issues at the White House. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel responded to the President with a telegram that has since become famous: 

I look forward to the privilege of being present at the meeting tomorrow four pm. Likelihood exists that Negro problem will be like the weather. Everybody talks about it but nobody does anything about it. Please demand of religious leader’s personal involvement not just solemn declaration. We forfeit the right to worship God as long as we continue to humiliate Negroes. Churches and synagogues have failed. They must repent. Ask of religious leaders to call for national repentance and personal sacrifice. Let religious leaders donate one month’s salary towards funds for Negro housing and education. I propose that you Mr. President declare a state of moral emergency. A Marshall plan for aid to Negroes is becoming a necessity. The hour calls for moral grandeur and spiritual audacity.

Heschel was expressing his firm belief that the religious experience of worship could not be divorced from one’s actions outside the synagogue walls; those who failed to act publicly against injustice could not claim to be religious.

Frequently cited in these circles is the statement Heschel made following the Selma Civil Rights March in 1965, when he joined with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other religious and political figures in a third — and finally successful — attempt to march from Selma to Montgomery, and demand voting rights for African Americans at the Alabama state capital:

For many of us, the march from Selma to Montgomery was about protest and prayer. Legs are not lips and walking is not kneeling. And yet our legs uttered songs. Even without words, our march was worship. I felt my legs were praying.

In 1965 Heschel prayed with his legs, today in this shul, we pray with our lips. But how will we pray on the other 364 days of the year? Prayer may be in shul, but it may also be done through actions of Social Justice. And, maybe, that that is exactly what God wants from us.

This brings us to the third part.

Act 3: Give  

10 days ago, the Jewish calendar entered the year of shmitta. The sabbatical year is mentioned several times in the Bible, starting with Shmot. Here’s God. She’s going to read a bit of the Torah she gave us now.

“Hi God”

“Hi Ittay”

“Big day huh?”
“Yeah, I’m feeling the love”

“So shmitta. How is this year different from all other years?”

“For six years you are to sow your fields and harvest the crops, but during the seventh year, which started ten days ago, you are to let the land lie unplowed and unused.” (Exodus 23:10)

“No ploughing? I love ploughing”

“No. NO ploughing. Come back seven years!”

“Ok, so what about my fields?”

The poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what is left. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.” (Exodus 23:11)

That’s a wonderful idea God, but if I don’t work my field for a whole year, what am I going to eat?

Fear not my son. I will ordain my blessing for you in the sixth year, so that it should yield a crop enough for three years (Leviticus 25:21)

Wow. That’s amazing. So I take a whole year off, and you provide me with a massive bonus. Is there anything else that I have do on the shmitta year?

Yes my humble servant. Every seventh year you shall practice release of debts. This shall be the nature of the release: every creditor shall release his authority over what he claims from his neighbour. (Deuteronomy 15. see here see here for a great article by Adam Zagroria-Moffet)

So why am I releasing these debts? Why am I leaving the land? What’s it about?

“You may think you hold the title and deeds, but the land is Mine; for you are but a tenant occupying my earth! That Land is not yours. I let you live on it through my generosity.  (Leviticus 25:23)

My stay here is brief like a passing shadow. Ultimately nothing I own is really mine.

That’s right. You just need to let it go, let it go, don’t plough the land any more

After that exchange with God, one would think Jews would be thrilled about keeping shmitta to the letter of the law. Unfortunately this is not what happens in practice.

In practice, Shmita has become mired in legal, political, and economic issues that obscure its historical and ethical origins. For most Israelis, the topic of Shmita has been relegated either to the kitchen (kashrut observers must choose between a complex set of Shmita standards) or the garden (when am I allowed to cut the grass?!). The fierce debates around these issues not only exacerbate tensions between the secular and religious communities, but also detract from the underlying significance of Shmita.

Our final guest on today’s program, in Act 3, Einat Kramer, Founder and Director of Teva Ivri; a non-profit organization promoting Jewish environmental responsibility in Israel. 

My story, which you can find on the Times of Israel, started during my maternity leave for my fourth baby. I stepped out from my normal life, work, politics, and just took time out. It reminded me so much of the shmitta year, where we leave our normal busy life on the land, and just rest.

It seemed resting wasn’t in Einat’s nature though, so she went on to set up an exciting new venture – the Israeli Shmita Initiative. To her great surprise, it was warmly received by many organisations across the religious spectrum, and three Israeli ministries endorsed it in the Knesset. You may be wondering, what is the Israeli Shmitta initiative? Here’s Einat again:

The Israeli Shmita Initiative believes that this shmitta year, property assumes less importance, time is less pressured and nature becomes much more than a resource to be exploited. Shmita presents an alternative to the race of modern life and is characterized by love of the people and Land of Israel, a heightened sense of social responsibility, and a framework for environmental practice. After two years of active preparation, we can already see that this Shmita year will look different to any that has gone before.

Here are some of the initiatives Einat’s organisation has supported this shmitta year:

  • A financial recovery program, spearheaded by Yesh Atid MK Ruth Calderon engages philanthropists, banks, and professional consultants in helping needy families settle their debts and begin the journey toward financial recovery.
  • An online Time Bank enables one to “give up” time on behalf of youth at risk, disadvantaged families, and others in need, based on one’s availability and skill set.
  • A think tank for cinematographers, and new media specialists to explore Shmita and produce new-old expressions of Israeli society.
  • The Merkam youth group – a network of secular and religious communities – initiated a collective “disconnect” from Facebook for the sake of real social interaction, face to face.
  • In New York, Amichai Lau Lavie has also created, a year-long journey of exploring better balance between our virtual and actual lives. Inspired by the Jewish Shmita tradition, this journey reinterprets the biblical agricultural practice of a year of release to the land and to the farmer, reapplied for today’s social, economic and digital reality.

Einat continues her story here:

Israeli Shmita invites everyone to learn about the mitzvah of Shmita and consider how he or she can actualize it on a personal and communal level. There is no limit to what you can “take on” in order to internalize the messages of Shmita – reducing the number of hours at work, joining a study group or class, buying more local, ethically sourced and seasonal food… Everyone needs a bit more shmitta in their lives. Trust me you won’t regret it! 


So, we have now heard three stories. Etgar Keret’s attempt to do Teshuva, and repent to Noa. Heschel’s story of tefilla, praying with his legs on the march from Selma to Montgomery and Einat Kramer’s enterprise to give tzedaka, through the Israeli Shmitta Initiative.

These are but three of thousands of stories we could have chosen about Teshuva, Tfilla and Tzedakah. Each of us has our own. Please share them.

Without stories, so much of Judaism ends up having no meaning, becoming a list of do’s and don’ts rather than a canvass of hows and whys.

In a few minutes from now, this room will fall silent. Those of us who remain, will say the words, Yizkor Elohim nishmat, may God remember the soul of…. After we will insert the name of a loved one and affirm to give tzedakah in their memory. 

Perhaps some of you may be inspired do more than just give tzedakah after yizkor. Maybe you will find your own meaning of shmitta this year. Ask yourself,

What does it mean for Israelis to accept that they are only the stewards and not the owners of the land?

What does it mean to let go of work stress, digital overload or other fears that stop us from being who we want to be?

What does it mean to forgive the debts, and maybe the wrongs, committed against us by our neighbours and friends?

Each of you will have your own answers to these questions, so at this point, I’ll bid you farewell, and pray that we may all find ways to have a meaningful shmitta year, as we pray to be inscribed in the book of life.

May you also have a story worthy year.

Gmar Chatima Tova.

Posted on October 7, 2014 .

Yom Kippur

Shana Tova! Rosh Hashana was such a special experience at shule, thank you to all who contributed and attended.

We really look forward to seeing you on Yom Kippur for an inspiring and soulful service, together with our wonderful Chazzanim from New York, Avram Mlotek and Yael Kornfeld.

Shira's doors are always open, and all are invited to daven with us. Services will continue to be at THC, 222 Balaclava Road.

Yom Kippur times are:
3 October Friday:
Kol Nidrei: Doors open 6.00pm, for a 6.30pm start. Fast begins at 6.06pm
4 October Shabbat:
Shacharit: 8.15am
Yizkor and Drasha (approximately) 11.30am but please come earlier to avoid missing it
Mincha: 4.00pm
Neilah: 5.15pm

Please renew your membership here if you have not yet done so.


Join us for a very special Sukkot on Friday 10 October after shule (12 approx) at the Tamir's beautiful sukkah at 14 Airdrie Road, Caulfield. Thank you to Lindy and Eddie Tamir who are kindly sponsoring a light lunch in the Sukkah.  We are excited to hear a presentation by educator Ilan Bloch on "Finding meaning in the Fruit & Veg Aisle: How might we find meaning as individuals and a community during the Sabbatical year (Shmittah)."  Join our FB events group for updates.

Wishing you a Gmar V'Chatima Tova and a wonderful year ahead.

Shira Melbourne

Posted on October 2, 2014 .

Shule Times, Membership & YouTube!

Shira goes viral! You must see our fabulous and first Youtube video "Stuff people say about Shira" , made by our very talented cast and crew Adam Hyman, Sarah Abramson, Ittay Flescher, Dean Ogden, Ari Perlow, Ant Frosh, Michelle Prawer and Dalit Kaplan.  

Membership: The countdown to Rosh Hashana begins! Thank you again to all those who have taken out membership this year.

We need everyone to contribute by becoming financial members , so that we can keep running such amazing and inspiring services at High Holidays and throughout the year, So whether you are with us every Shabbat, three times a year, or just for the shofar blowing, we ask that you pay for membership here

Times for shule:

All services will be at Theodore Herzl Club at 222 Balaclava Road.

Rosh Hashana 
Both nights: 6pm (including Kabbalat Shabbat)
Both days: 8.15am

Shabbat Shuva 
Kabbalat Shabbat: 6pm
Shabbat: 9.45am, followed by a Sheva Brachot Kiddush for newlyweds Yael Prawer & Josh Back

Yom Kippur 
Kol Nidrei: 6.30pm (doors will open from 6pm, fast commences 6.06pm)
Day: 8.15am
Yizkor: approx 12noon
Mincha: 4.30pm

Wishing you a shana tova umetukah — a sweet happy and healthy New Year!

Posted on September 23, 2014 .

Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeilech

This week we are thrilled to wish a Mazeltov to Yael Prawer and Josh Back for their aufruf (call up) on the occasion of their upcoming marriage! Mazeltov to the lovely couple and to their entire families, wishing you much nachas and blessings for your journey together.

Please join us for a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm led by Yardena Prawer. Shacharit commences 9.45am, and the Dvar Torah will be given by Idan Dershowitz in honour of the upcoming marriage. Welcome to Idan and to Ronit Prawer! Following shule, the whole congregation is invited to a Kiddush at the Back's home a short walk away at 55 Rosemont Avenue, Caulfield.

In the theme of "new beginnings", Rosh Hashana is fast approaching, and we urge all who haven't taken out membership to do so here. Chagim at Shira are really special, and we have the wonderful Avram Mlotek and Yael Kornfeld returning this year as our international chazzanim - you don't want to miss their beautiful tefillot! Your support is crucial to help us create the inclusive and vibrant shule we all know and love. 

Do you want to be a part of our Kol Nidrei choir? Please email to express interest.

Rosh Hashana times:

24 September Erev Rosh Hashana:
Mincha/Maariv 6pm
25& 26 September Rosh Hashana:
Shacharit 8.15am
Mincha/Maariv 6pm 

Other Community News:

Jewish Care is looking for volunteers for their 2014 Rosh Hashana Appeal.  If you can help, or want some more information, please email Abbie Debinski at

Gift of Life Australia are searching for matching stem cell donors for four Leukemia patients and a 6 year old girl in the US.  They invite all healthy 18-45 year olds who are over 50 kilos and not pregnant or breastfeeding to make an appointment at the Caulfield Blood Donor Centre on 7 October from 4-7.15pm to enrol onto the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.  You can do so by calling Mordi Joseph on 0490 332 415

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on September 19, 2014 .

Parshat Ki Tavo

Membership!  Thank you again to all those who have supported us with your membership - you are our reason for being!  To those who have yet to take up membership, we appreciate your crucial support in helping make Shira the colourful and soulful Shule we know and love. Please click here to take out membership today!

Don't forget to join our High Holidays @ Shira Facebook group for all chag-related news and updates.

We "officially" welcome our new Education Director, Raf Dascalu this week. 

Raphael Dascalu is a native of Sydney, and recently returned to Australia with his partner Dalit Kaplan and baby Ezra, from a long period of study overseas, including at Yeshivat Ein Tzurim, Hebrew University, Pardes (Kolel) and the Sholem Hartman Institute. He is currently working on his PhD at the University of Chicago, focusing on medieval Jewish history and philosophy. At the University of Chicago, Raphael focused intensively on the study of Arabic language and literature, and Islamic philosophy and mysticism.

Over a Kiddush, we will meet Raf and he will have an opportunity to hear all your thoughts and suggestions for facilitating your Jewish journey with Shira!

Raf will also give a (Elul themed) talk after Kiddush on the following, "Suffering is great!” Introducing Rabbi Akiva’s theory of transformative suffering.  We invite you all to come along to our Kiddush & talk. 

Hope to see you welcoming in Shabbat at Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shacharit commences 9.45am.  

Posted on September 12, 2014 .

Parshat Ki Tetze

Thank you again to all those who have taken outmembership. You are our reason for being! We count on you to help make our Shira community the wonderful, colourful and inclusive one that we know and love! Just one click here and your membership is all sorted.

Be sure to join our High Holidays Facebook group here for all chag-related updates.

Kabbalat Shabbat will be sung at 6pm, and Shacharit commences at 9.45am.

Mazeltov to Russell Jaffe on his barmitzvah anniversary and we look forward to hearing you layn for us, and to celebrating with you! Russell has kindly sponsored the Kiddush this week, and all are welcome. The Dvar Torah will be given by Steven Prawer.

Save the date 13 September: Meet our Educational Director Raf Descalu at a Shira welcome Kiddush. This will be a great opportunity to meet and discuss with Raf how he can best facilitate your Jewish journey and to also welcome him, Dalit Kaplan and Ezra into our community!

Raf will also give an Elul-themed talk after the Kiddush on the topic "Suffering is great: introducing Rabbi Akiva's theory of transformative suffering".  Click here to join our Facebook group for more information.

Thank yous! We have a wonderful new children's space for our beloved Shira children, and just in time for the Chagim.  A huge thank you to Adiva and Michael Sifris for their generous donation of much needed chairs and tables. Many thanks also to another generous family for the donation of a storage cabinet for our toys. And thanks to Yardena and Steven Prawer for their hard work in assembling said storage!

Shaike Snir invites Shira members to the opening night of the Yosl Bergner sculptures exhibition at Leonard Joels, 333 Malvern Road, South Yarra, on 11 September between 6-8pm. Some pictures of the sculptures are here.

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on September 5, 2014 .

Parshat Shoftim

We have now entered the month of Elul and the chagim are approaching. Thank you to all those who have taken out membership. You know we are going to chak you every week, so why not do it right now? Just one click here and your membership is all sorted.

We are thrilled to celebrate the batmitzvah of Mikki Clemans this Shabbat. Mazel tov to the parents, Nerada and Miles, and to the whole extended family.  It has been a delight to see Mikki and her family in our shule over the years and we are honoured to celebrate this important milestone with her. Miles will be delivering the Dvar Torah this week, and there will be a Kiddush kindly sponsored by the family to follow, to which all are welcome. 

Kabbalat Shabbat will be sung at 6pm, and Shacharit commences at 9.45am.

Make sure you don't miss out - this Sunday night 31 August @ 7.45pm, Helen Gottstein is performing her show at Shira "Under the Radar: The Israel that doesn't make the Headlines".  It is a topical look at Israel today, and was received extremely well when performed by Helen at this year's Limmud NZ.  No set seats, tickets are $15 at the door, and RSVPs to this email address are most appreciated.

Shloshim: A shloshim for Sean Rockman z'l, husband of Pauline Rockman will be held at Elwood Shul at 7pm on Monday 1st September. We wish Pauline and family long life.

Mazal Tov to Morry Dvash and Daniel Slonim on your barmitzvah anniversaries! May you have many more in good health.

The Little Doers Melbourne Kids' fun run is on again in Malvern on 26 October. It offers children aged 0-10 years old the opportunity to choose one of four causes to learn about, access kid-friendly educational material about the charities and run to support their chosen charity.  Children choose one of three routes (500m, 1km, 2km) and also enjoy crafty activities, a family picnic and live music to entertain.  Registrations and more information can be found here.

Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia (JCMA Women's Committee) are conducting a guided tour of the Islamic Museum (15a Anderson Road, Thornbury) on Monday 8 September at 10.00am-11.30am. Cost is $12/10 concession. After the tour, all are welcome at the museum cafe for coffee or lunch and discussion. RSVPs to Coralie Ling by 1 September: ph 0466615575 or

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on August 29, 2014 .

Parshat Re'eh

You may have already received our email inviting you to take out membership for this year's High Holidays. Your support is crucial to help our shule grow and flourish. Thank you to all those who have supported us already, and we invite those who have not done so yet, to take out membership early here.

"See", says Moses to the people, "I place before you today a blessing and a curse"....

Hear this week's powerful Parsha at shule. Shacharit commences at 9.45am.  This week's Dvar Torah will be given by Nathan Wolski.

Kabbalat Shabbat commences 6pm, and all are welcome to sing in Shabbat together.

This week we are honoured to host and celebrate a simchat bat for Ronit and Michael Joel's precious baby girl. Mazel tov to the parents and to all the siblings, grandparents, and the entire extended family. May you only receive nachas and joy and blessings from one another.  The Kiddush is kindly sponsored by the grandparents Mark and Hannah Fagenblat.

Helen Gottstein's one woman performance at Shira is on Sunday night 31 August at 7.45pm.  You may have seen her review in last week's Jewish News. She will be performing her topical and thought provoking newest show: Under the Radar: The Israel that doesn't make the Headlines.  Tickets are $15 at the door, and RSVPs are essential.  Please join us for a fantastic show! For more information please join our Facebook events group here.

The Little Doers Melbourne Kids fun run is on again in Malvern on 26 October. It offers children aged 0–10 years old the opportunity to choose one of four causes to learn about, access kid-friendly educational material about the charities and run to support their chosen charity. Children choose one of three routes (500m, 1km, 2km) and also enjoy crafty activities, a family picnic and live music to entertain. Registrations and more information can be found here.

The Friendship Circle offers programs for children young adults and their families with special needs.  One of our Shira members, Gabbi Sar Shalom, is assisting in organising a fundraising walk on 14 September from 1-3pm. For more information please email

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on August 21, 2014 .

High Holy Days At Shira

The Shira community warmly welcomes you to join us for the chagim. If you've been with us before, you'll know that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are true highlights of the year at Shira. If you're new to our community, we can't wait to have you with us! 

By popular demand, we're bringing back the wonderful husband-wife duo, Avram Mlotek and Yael Kornfield from New York! They'll be leading our musically-inspired services, just as they did so beautifully last year.

It is time to renew your membership at Shira for the coming year. For many years we have had an open door policy without set seats. There are many people who come without paying membership, which makes it unfair for those families who honour our open system by taking out membership. As a Board, we have decided to maintain our values to a non-hierarchical system that is open to all. But we want to emphasise the word honour: your membership covers the huge cost of maintaining a shul in all its dimensions. We ask everyone therefore to take out membership before Rosh Hashana.

We have maintained our membership structure at similar rates to previous years making it affordable for students and families. For those who can afford more, please take out the higher level of membership by adding a donation. If you can’t afford our fees, then let us know. No one in our shul will ever be turned away or made to feel unwelcome.

By renewing your membership, you are supporting the only inclusive Orthodox minyan in Melbourne where both women and men are active participants in the service.

Your membership will also enable our shul to grow and thrive in the coming years, and help us to provide exciting new projects such as employing our new Education Director, Raf Descalu.

Children of all ages love Yom Tov at Shira - our amazing educators bring these chagim to life through puppetry, song, stories and morning tea, with a creative space set up to the theme "What a Wonderful World", for the 0-6 year olds. We also have a Shira Kids Club for 7-12 year olds, exploring New Year themes in a creative and fun way.  All programs will be run by qualified madrichim (leaders) and educators. Your contribution to children's memberships is invaluable.

Your generosity is what makes our shul work. 

Please click here to apply for/renew your membership online.

Thanks so much, and Shana Tovah!

Posted on August 19, 2014 .

Parshat Ekev

Come and join us at 6pm this Kabbalat Shabbat for musical prayer and words of Torah.  We are honoured to hear Dr David Bernstein, Dean of Pardes Jerusalem give a Dvar Torah this Friday night. Make sure you attend what will be a wonderful welcome into Shabbat.  

On Shabbat morning, we are further honoured to help celebrate the 5th Batmitzvah anniversary of Lexi Kowal.  Lexi will layn Maftir and Haftorah, followed by a Kiddush kindly sponsored by her parents, Lionel and Rita Kowal. Mazeltov to Lexi and the entire family, may you all continue to receive only nachas and blessings from one another.  

Mazel tov as well to our gabbait Ronit Travers who will also be layning in honour of her bat mitzvah anniversary. The Dvar Torah this week will be given by Benji Prawer. Shacharit commences 9.45am.

Performance @ Shira! Save the date: Sunday 31 August 7.45pm

Shira is excited to host acclaimed international educator and performer Helen Gottstein, performing her best selling one woman show:  "Under the Radar - The Israel that doesn't make the headlines". The show looks at all sorts of integration, border crossings evolutions and developments in current Israeli culture. 

Please join us for an extremely topical, thought provoking and entertaining evening! Tickets are $15 at the door, but please, RSVPs are essential! For more information join our Facebook events page here.

Two of our members are off overseas on their respective journeys, and we wish Rachel (Rocky) Neumann (who will be leading Kabbalat Shabbat this week!) and Natalie Krasnostein a nesiah tova (a good journey), and look forward to seeing you on your return in the future.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on August 14, 2014 .

Tisha Be'av at Shira

Israel hit international headlines in 2012 with controversial stories of intolerance and religious radicalism. In the center of these stories was the small town of Beit Shemesh. In response, a series of tolerance building projects were launched in the city in an effort to support and strengthen the voices of mutual respect.

Shira, Habonim Dror and Melbourne Moishe House were proud to be the first communities in Australia to screen Wonderful Women (Nashim Nehedarot) on Tisha B’Av 2014. First screened in Israel on Tisha Be’Av 2013, the documentary was produced by filmmaker Hila Timor Ashur. She co-founded the initiative “Wonderful Women” together with her friend Chaya Josovic. Hila is a secular woman from Mateh Yehuda and Chaya is a Haredi woman from Beit Shemesh. They decided to create an initiative to bring women together from Haredi and Secular backgrounds, to get to know each other and break down stereotypes by creating films together. 

This project is sponsored by Partnership2Gether of the Jewish Agency – Beit Shemesh – Mateh Yehuda – South Africa – Washington DC.

After the screening on the film, Hila spoke with the community via skype, sharing some moving stories of increasinging solidarity between Haredi and Non-Haredi Israelis in Beit Shemesh during  Operation Protective Edge. 

Posted on August 12, 2014 .

Parshat Va'etchanan

This week's Parsha continues with Moses speaking to the gathered people, reviewing events and miracles that have occurred since leaving Egypt, including a repetition of the Ten Commandments.

We look forward to singing in Shabbat together at our beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat service at 6pm.  NEXT Friday night (15 August) we are delighted to welcome Dr David Bernstein, Dean of Pardes in Jerusalem, to Shira, where he will give us a short Dvar Torah.

Shacharit this week commences 9.45am, and we welcome back Mark and Kerryn Baker from their recent trip overseas with university students.Mark will be giving over the Dvar Torah this week, and we will also enjoyKerryn's wonderful chulent once again at our Kiddush this week. All are welcome.

Save the date!  Exciting performance @ Shira:

On Sunday 31 August at 7.45pm, Shira is excited to host acclaimed educator and performer, Helen Gottstein.

Helen will be performing her most recent bestselling one woman show at THC: "Under the Radar: The Israel that doesn't make the headlines". Helen was born in Australia and has lived the past 20 years in Jerusalem. She has toured internationally, to great accolades, including in the US, Australia, Limmud UK and NZ.  The cost for this session is $15, pay at the door. However, RSVP replies are essential! We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a fabulous, thought provoking and entertaining evening.  For more information, please join our Facebook events group here.  

Other community news and events:

Caulfield Junior College (formerly Caulfield North Primary and Central School) is celebrating 100 years this year and is looking for ex-students to be interviewed and/or photographed.  Please contact Annette Charak or before 15 August.

The Grassroots Dialogue Project is a new project run by the Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria), and Shira is pleased to be a supporter of this project.  The project is looking for a presenter who is well grounded in their faith, confident to present themselves and their faith as they experience it, to those of other faiths and traditions.  Please reply to Ilana if you are interested in obtaining a Presenters Position Description for further details about this exciting opportunity.

Tzedek is hosting a live screening of the new ABC documentary "Code of Silence", directed by Shira member Danny Ben Moshe, on Tuesday 12 August at 8.30pm at Classic Cinema.  This will be followed by a panel discussion with Danny Ben Moshe and Manny Waks, moderated by Colin Golvan QC.  Click here to view trailer, and tickets can be purchased here.

Gift of Life Australia is holding an urgent blood testing  session at Caulfield Red Cross Blood Donor Centre onTuesday 19 August from 4pm-7.15pm.  There are currently 4 Jewish Leukaemia patients between 1-61 years who are in urgent need of matching stem cell donors. Appointments are essential, and more information can be found here.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on August 7, 2014 .

Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet — Sean Rockman z"l

With sadness we advise the passing of Sean Rockman z"l.

Husband of Pauline Rockman
Father of Jordy and Tahli
Grandfather of Julian, Lucia and Salvadore

Our thoughts are with the entire family, and we wish them much comfort at this sad time, and a long and healthy life.

The funeral took place today, and there will be a minyan at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5 August at Elwood Shule, 39 Dickens Street, Elwood.

Posted on August 4, 2014 .

Parshat Devarim

This parsha is a new beginning, the start of a new book Devarim, and it begins with Moshe repeating events and reviewing laws to the assembled Israelites.

Kabbalat Shabbat is always a fresh and new sound to our ears, and is a beautiful end to the working week.  Come and join us welcoming in Shabbat at 6pm.  

Shacharit is at 9.45am, and we are looking forward to the Dvar Torah which will be given this week by Joel Lazar. A light Kiddush will follow the service, and as always, all are welcome.

We are in the midst of the Nine Days, and approaching Tisha Be'av.  We invite the community to pray Maariv together at 6pm, followed by a reading of Megillat Eicha at 6.15pm.  

After Megillah, Shira, together with Melbourne Moishe House & Habonim Dror are proud to be the first communities in Australia to screen "Wonderful Women (Nashim Nehedarot)", first screened in Israel on Tisha Be'av in 2013. This documentary was produced by filmmaker Hila Timor Ashur.  She co founded the initiative "Wonderful Women" together with her friend Chaya Josovic.  Hila is a secular woman, and Chaya is a Haredi woman, and they decided to create an initiative to bring women together from Haredi and Secular backgrounds, to get to know each other and break down stereotypes by creating films together.  More information can be found at this link, and you can join our Facebook event group here.  

Save the date — Performance @ Shira! 

On Sunday 31 August at 7.45pm, Shira is excited to host senior specialist in informal Israel education, Helen Gottstein.  Helen will be performing her most recent bestselling one woman show at THC: "Under the Radar: The Israel that doesn't make the headlines". Helen was born in Australia and has lived the past 20 years in Jerusalem.  She has toured internationally, to great accolades, including in the US, Australia, Limmud UK and NZ. The cost for this session is $15, pay at the door. However, RSVP replies are essential! We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a fabulous, thought provoking and entertaining evening.  For more information, please join our Facebook events group here.

In other community news and events: 

The Grassroots Dialogue Project is a new project run by the Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria), and Shira is pleased to be a supporter of this project.  The project is looking for a presenter who is well grounded in their faith, confident to present themselves and their faith as they experience it, to those of other faiths and traditions.  Please reply to Ilana if you are interested in obtaining a Presenters Position Description for further details about this exciting opportunity.

Tzedek is hosting a live screening of the new ABC documentary "Code of Silence", directed by Shira memberDanny Ben Moshe, on Tuesday 12 August at 8.30pmat Classic Cinema.  This will be followed by a panel discussion with Danny Ben Moshe and Manny Waks, moderated by Colin Golvan QC.  Click here to view trailer, and tickets can be purchased here.

Gift of Life Australia is holding an urgent blood testing  session at Caulfield Red Cross Blood Donor Centre onTuesday 19 August from 4pm-7.15pm.  There are currently 4 Jewish Leukaemia patients between 1-61 years who are in urgent need of matching stem cell donors. Appointments are essential, and more information can be found here.

Wishing all a Shabbat Shalom, with hopes and prayers for Peace.

Posted on July 31, 2014 .

Parshat Mas'ei

This Shabbat we read about the Jewish people's wanderings and campsites whilst they were in the desert. It's pretty cold to imagine any camping right now, but our musical Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm should warm you right up!  

Shacharit commences 9.45am, and we are looking forward to hearing Annie Zeleznikow giving her debut Dvar Torah this week!  The Kiddush (with extra herring!) is kindly sponsored by Morry Dvash in honour of the yarzheit of his late mother Sheindel Dvash z'l.  We wish him and his family a long and healthy life.

Tisha Beav:  Maariv commences 6pm on Monday 4 August, followed by Megillat Eicah at 6.15 pm. After Megillah, Shira is proud to be the first kehilla in Australia to screen "Wonderful Women (Nashim Nehedarot)", first screened in Israel on Tisha Be'av in 2013. This movie tells the amazing story of a dialogue group comprised of Haredi and Secular women from Beit Shemesh, who attempt to build bridges together, very much in keeping with the theme of ahavat chinum (boundless love). More information about the movie can be found at this link, and you can join our Facebook event group here.  

We would really appreciate a few volunteers to come slightly earlier and help set up the space for Tisha Be'av (fast commences 5.34pm).  Please let us know if you are available to assist.

The Grassroots Dialogue Project is a new project run by the Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria), and  Shira is pleased to be a supporter of this project.  The project is looking for a presenter who is well grounded in their faith, confident to present themselves and their faith as they experience it, to those of other faiths and traditions.  Please respond to this email if you are interested in obtaining a Presenters Position Description for further details about this exciting opportunity.

Gift of Life Australia is holding an urgent blood testing  session at Caulfield Red Cross Blood Donor Centre on Tuesday 19 August from 4pm-7.15pm.  There are currently 4 Jewish Leukaemia patients between 1-61 years old who are in urgent need of matching stem cell donors. Appointments are essential. More information can be found here

Save the date - performance event! On Sunday 31 August at 7.45pm, Shira is excited to host senior specialist in informal Israel education, Helen Gottstein. Helen will be performing her most recent bestselling session at THC: "Under the Radar: The Israel that doesn't make the headlines". Helen was born in Australia and has lived for the past 20 years in Jerusalem. She has toured internationally, including the US, Australia, Limmud UK and NZ.  The cost for this session is $15, pay at the door. However, RSVP replies would be most appreciated! We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a fabulous, thought provoking and entertaining evening.  

Wishing all a Shabbat Shalom, with hopes and prayers for peace.

Posted on July 25, 2014 .

Parshat Matot

Warm yourself up at our melodious Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6pm.  Shacharit commences at 9.45am.  This week we are delighted to welcome baby Noa, her parents Alex Fein and Rabbi Yaron Gottleib and sisterYael, together with grandparents and extended family at a Simchat Batfor Noa. Yaron will deliver the Dvar Torah, and Alex and Yaron have also kindly sponsored the Kiddush - all are welcome.  We wish the entire family much joy and nachas from their precious Noa.

Tisha Be'av is approaching:  Maariv commences 6pm on Monday 4 August, followed by reading of Megillat Eicha at 6.15pm.  There will be an event following the reading. Location and further details to follow.

Looking to borrow: Does anyone have (or know of) any available accommodation for our international chazzanim over the Chagim this year? We are also looking to source a car and child car seat.  We are also looking to borrow a projector for an upcoming event. Please reply to Ilana at this address with any leads.

Our Kiddushim are a great opportunity to come together as a community and to commemorate or celebrate a special occasion, or just because! If you wish to sponsor a Kiddush, then please reply to Ilana at this address.

Finally, the Shira community acknowledges the yarzheit anniversary of one of our founding members, dear friend and teacher, Debbie Masel z'l, who was a radiant light to us all, and continues to be missed dearly.

Wishing all a Shabbat Shalom

Posted on July 18, 2014 .

Parshat Pinchas

This week, we read about Tzelafchad's daughters who petition Moses to inherit their father's portion of land. This inclusion and recognition of women has been a source of many feminist interpretations of the Torah, and we invite you to join us at shule to continue this tradition at Shira.

Come join us in song to bring in Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp. The Dvar Torah will be given by Mandi Katz, and a light Kiddush will follow. All are warmly welcome.

Accomodation? Does anyone have (or know of) any available accomodation for our international chazzanim over the Chagim this year?  If so, please reply to Ilana at this address.

Public event:  For the first time in Melbourne, Frederick Weisinger (child Holocaust survivor and a member of the Jewish LGBTIQ community) will speak publicly at the Jewish Holocaust Centre, 15 Selwyn Street, Elsternwick, on 27 July from 1.30-3.30.  More details can be found here.

Wishing all a Shabbat Shalom, and during these difficult times, we all hope and pray for peace.

Posted on July 10, 2014 .

Parshat Balak

In this week's Parsha, we encounter our first (and probably only?!) talking donkey in the Torah.  When Balak, King of Moab, sends his prophet Balaam out to curse the Israelites, his donkey tells him off, and instead, Balaam blesses the Israelites.

Kabbalat Shabbat is on at 6pm, please help us welcome in Shabbat with beautiful song. Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp, and we look forward to Rabbi Gabbi Sar Shalom's Dvar Torah this week.  A Kiddush will follow and all are welcome.

Although it's school holidays, our children's programs are still running.  Please bring your 0-6 children to our tot's program at 10.45am.  Our program for 7-12 year olds is still running, and will commence at 11am, led by the fabulous Samuel Herz.

Mazel tov!

A mazel tov to Alex Fein and to Rabbi Yaron Gottleib and Yael on the birth of their precious daughter, and sister, Noa.  We wish the entire family much nachas and only blessings and joy, at this special time.

Mazel tov to Klara Herz on her batmitzvah anniversary, and we look forward to hearing Klara read the haftarah in honour of this occasion.  


With sadness, we advise the passing of Mark Zandle z'l, husband to Norma, father and father in law to Mandi and Stephen Shochet; Frankie and Steven Pinch; and Ruth and Henry Sharp.  We wish the entire family comfort and a long and healthy life.

The Shira community mourns the tragic murder of the three young students, Eyal, Gilad and Naftali in Israel. We pray for peace and take inspiration from the words of Naftali's uncle: "There is no difference between (Arab) blood and (Jewish) blood. Murder is murder."

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on July 4, 2014 .