Baruch Dayan Ha'emet - Mark Zandle (z'l)

With sadness, we advise the passing of Mark Zandle z'l. 

Husband of Norma, 

Father of Mandy Shochet, Frankie Pinch and Ruth Sharp, 

Father-in-law of Stephen Shochet, Steven Pinch and Henry Sharp.

Our thoughts are with the entire family.

Wishing the entire family much comfort at this time, and a long and healthy life.

Details for the minyan are here:

Posted on July 3, 2014 .

Parshat Chukat - and Seudah Shlishit!

This week, we read the beautiful and narrative-rich Parsha, recounting the deaths of Miriam and Aaron, and the (in)famous story where Moses strikes a rock to provide water, rather than speaking to it as commanded. Moses and Aaron are told they will die in the desert, and not enter the Land. 

Come and warm up this winter at Shira with a musical Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm.  Shacharit commences 9.45am. Thanks to Ari Perlow who will be giving over the Dvar Torah this week. As always, a Kiddush will follow and everyone is warmly invited.

If you wish to sponsor a Kiddush to celebrate an important event, or to commemorate a yarzheit, or just because, then please contact Ilana by replying to this email.  

Seudah Shlishit - this Shabbat 28 June!

We are excited to reinstate a monthly Seudah Shlishit, with good company, discussion and song.

Alex Fein and Yaron Gottleib are kindly hosting the inaugural Seudah Shlishit at their home at 28 Normanby AVENUE (not road!) this Shabbat 28 June at 4.30pm.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Posted on June 26, 2014 .

Parshat Korach

This Shabbat we read the story of Korach, and his followers, who challenge Moses' leadership and Aaron's priesthood.  Join us on Shabbat to hear the Torah reading and to listen to Seraphya Berrin's Dvar Torah.

Come and embrace the shortest day of the year this Shabbat - Kabbalat Shabbat will be sung in at 6pm. Shacharit commences at 9.45am, and a Kiddush will follow. All are welcome.

After this heartbreaking week which has seen Jews around the world gather in solidarity, our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali. May they be returned home safely.

Seudah Shlishit

We are pleased and excited to reinstate a monthly Seudah Shlishit, open to the whole community.  Our Seudah Shlishits are really special with good conversation, discussion and singing.  We warmly welcome everyone to join us.

Our inaugural Seudah Shlishit will be held at the home of Alex Fein and Yaron Gottleib at 28 Normanby Ave (not Road) on Shabbat 28 June at 4.30pm.  We hope to see you there.

If you would like to host a Seudah Shlishit in the future, or sponsor a Kiddush, please let Ilana know by replying to this email.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on June 19, 2014 .

Baruch Dayan Emet - Arno Caras z'l

The Shira community mourns the tragic passing of Arno Caras z'l and extends condolences to the entire family.

Our thoughts are with his wife Robin, his children, Nicola and Alan and their partners, Nadav and Sara, his mechutanim, Johnny and Anita, and his grandchildren Rudy and Addy who were so blessed by his love.

He will be sorely missed by his riding friends and so many in the community who knew him. Funeral arrangements to be announced. 

We wish the entire family comfort at this time, and a long and healthy life. 

Posted on June 16, 2014 .

Parshat Shlach

This Shabbat, we welcome you all to our lovely Kabbalat Shabbat service at 6pm.  Shabbat morning Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp, with a Dvar Torah given by Dr Gary Freed (of recent 3AW radio fame!)  It's a Parsha full of rich imagery with the twelve spies sent to Caanan,  giant grapes and the decree to wander in the desert for 40 years.  Please also join us for our Kiddush after shule.

(Please note the 9.15am shiur is cancelled until further notice)


Welcome to a beautiful baby girl, Timna, to Lani and Ben Fisher.  Mazel tov to you and your families, wishing you only nachas, blessings and happiness.

Mazeltov to Sarah Meyer and Ari Brochin on their upcoming wedding in New York, wishing you and your families mazeltov and many blessings on this wonderful occasion.


Adiva and Michael Sifris will be having a shloshim service at their house in memory of Adiva's late mother, Minnie Wacks z'l.  The shloshim will be at 10 Airdrie Road on 22 June at 5.00pm.  We wish the entire family a long and healthy life.

Shule updates and information

As part  of our planning for the future flourishing of the shule, Shira is in ongoing discussions with Dr Melanie Landau to take on a leadership position in our community starting in mid 2015.  We expect to be able to update you in September before Rosh Hashana.  This is something we look forward to and provides a great opportunity for growth in our community.

In response to feedback requesting expanded learning opportunities for the community, we will be appointing Raf Dascalu as our Education Director beginning this August. Raf is returning to Australia from the University of Chicago where he has been completing a PhD in Jewish Philosophy for the last five years.  He has a great deal of experience in both formal and informal settings and is looking forward to hearing your suggestions about how he can best facilitate the next step on your Jewish journey.

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on June 12, 2014 .

Parshat Beha'alotcha

We hope that you all had an enjoyable and meaningful Shavuot.  Thank you to all the speakers here at Shira, both at Tikkun Leil and during the yontev days, who helped make Shavuot this year so memorable.  

This week, we invite you all to our Kiddush which is kindly sponsored by two families - Annette Charak and Alain Herz; & Mandi Katz and Ashley Browne, in celebration of Limmud Oz, taking place this weekend, starting Saturday night 7 June until 9 June.  For more information and tickets, please see here.

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm.  The shiur on Shabbat morning commences 9.15am, and Shacharit starts 9.45am sharp.  The Dvar Torah will be given byMatthew Kalman (here as a guest of Limmud Oz), former editor of the Jerusalem Report, blogger for Haaretz, and co-author of 'Psychobibi' and 'The Murder of Yasser Arafat'.


A delighted welcome to the following precious babies who were born recently to members and families of our Shira community:

A beautiful baby boy to Emily Lubitz & Harry Angus

A beautiful baby girl, Milla, to Jordie and Val Vernon

A beautiful baby girl, Elke, to Claire and Paul Justin

Wishing them all only nachas, blessings and happiness. Mazeltov to all the new families.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on June 5, 2014 .

Shavuot at Shira

We have a fabulous Shavuot line up this year, and we are excited to share a wonderful Shavuot with fascinating Torah discussions and soulful prayer.  

Tikkun Leil Shavuot 3 June 8pm sharp!

Our theme this year is "Love in the Time of Torah" and we are thrilled to have an amazing array of speakers to engage us in thought provoking learning and discussion.

And of course, there will be cheesecake, chocolates & tea....

Tikkun commences at 8pm. 

Our schedule is:

8.15-8.45 Salvador Litvak (The Accidental Talmudist), American screenwriter, film director and producer (here as a guest of Limmud Oz): 
TOPIC - Love in the Talmud

9.00-9.30 Dr Nathan Wolski, Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Monash University
TOPIC - The Palace of Love in the Zohar: "Deus Caritas Est" Zohar Style

9.45-10.15 Professor Andrew Benjamin, Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Thought, Monash University:

TOPIC - With beauty’s children only can we live: Love and self-love, poetry and Torah

10.15-10.45 Merav Carmeli, Currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar"
TOPIC - 'Arousing the Divine Feminine - the Role of the Zoharic Kabbalists'.

11.00-11.45 Ellyse Borghi, Lawyer with a keen interest in all things gender and Jewish
TOPIC - Bruria's great loves - Husband and Halacha


Adam Hyman, Former student of Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, and film production and cinema studies.

TOPIC - 'Reading Midrash Reading Chumash: Interpreting Interpretations, or If Moshe speaks to Aharon in a desert and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?'

Shavuot davening times:

**There is no Ma'ariv either day**

Wednesday 4 June: Shacharit 9.30am, 
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff, founder and President of MoJI - Museum of Jewish Ideas, Jerusalem

Thursday 5 June: Shacharit 9.30am (Yizkor approx 11.30am), 
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Meir Shweiger, teacher and Director of Pardes Executive and Fellows Program, from Pardes Institute, Jerusalem

Shabbat 7 June: Shacharit 9.45,

Dvar Torah by Matthew Kalman, former editor of The Jerusalem Report, a blogger for Haaretz and co-author of 'Psychobibi' and 'The Murder of Yasser Arafat'

Looking forward to sharing a meaningful chag together.

Chag Sameach!

Posted on June 1, 2014 .

Parshat Nasso

This Shabbat we read Parashat Nasso, in which (amongst many other things) Aaron and the Kohanim are instructed on how to bless the people of Israel.  

This Shabbat we also extend many blessings and mazel tovs to Noah Starr, and to his parents, Ilana, Gary and the entire family on Noah's barmitzvah. May you all be blessed with much nachas and happiness on this wonderful occasion. Thank you to the Starr family for sponsoring the Kiddush this week. Ilana Starr will be giving the Dvar Torah in honour of her son.  We are thrilled to be celebrating this special occasion together at shule.

We are also excited to wish a mazel tov to Yael Prawer and Josh Back, and to both their families, on their engagement!  May you both know only blessings and joy together.

Kabbalat Shabbat will commence at 6pm, and there will be a shiur on Shabbat morning at 9.15am.  Shacharit will commence at 9.45am sharp.


We welcome you all to our traditional Tikkun Leil Shavuot at 8pm on Tuesday 3 June, Erev Shavuot, for a night of engaging Torah learning, and of course, cheesecake.

Our theme this year is "Love in the Time of Torah" and we are thrilled to have an amazing array of speakers to engage us in thought provoking learning and discussion.

To access our schedule for Tikkun Leil, as well as Shavuot Davening times, please click here.

In other community news, Limmud Oz is being held this year in Melbourne from 7 to 9 June.  there will be 180 sessions led by international and local presenters (including Shira members) of pluralist Jewish learning, as well as many musical performances. For more information and tickets (early bird prices end this week 31 May), please see here.

Shabbat shalom!

Posted on May 29, 2014 .


We welcome you all to our traditional Tikkun Leil Shavuot at 8pm on Tuesday 3 June, Erev Shavuot, for a night of learning Torah, and of course, cheesecake.

Our theme this year is "Love in the Time of Torah" and we are thrilled to have an amazing array of speakers to engage us in thought provoking learning and discussion.

Tikkun commences at 8pm. 

Our speakers are:

8.15-8.45 Salvador Litvak (The Accidental Talmudist), American screenwriter, film director and producer (here as a guest of Limmud Oz): 

TOPIC - Love in the Talmud

9.00-9.30 Dr Nathan Wolski, Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Monash University

TOPIC - The Palace of Love in the Zohar: "Deus Caritas Est" Zohar Style

9.45-10.15 Professor Andrew Benjamin, Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Though, Monash University: 

TOPIC - With beauty’s children only can we live’: Love and self-love, poetry and Torah

10.15-10.45 Merav Carmeli, Currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar"

TOPIC - 'Arousing the Divine Feminine - the Role of the Zoharic Kabbalists'.

11.00-11.45 Ellyse Borghi, Lawyer with a keen interest in all things gender and Jewish
TOPIC - Bruria's great loves - Husband and Halacha


Adam Hyman, Former student of Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, and film production and cinema studies.

TOPIC - 'Reading Midrash Reading Chumash: Interpreting Interpretations, or If Moshe speaks to Aharon in a desert and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?'

Shavuot davening times:

Wednesday 4 June: Shacharit 9.30am, 

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff, founder and President of MoJI - Museum of Jewish Ideas, Jerusalem

Thursday 5 June: Shacharit 9.30am (Yizkor approx 11.30am), 

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Meir Shweiger, teacher and Director of Pardes Executive and Fellows Program, from Pardes Institute, Jerusalem

Shabbat 7 June: Shacharit 9.45, 

Dvar Torah by Matthew Kalman, former editor of The Jerusalem Report, a blogger for Haaretz and co-author of 'Psychobibi' and 'The Murder of Yasser Arafat'

Posted on May 25, 2014 .

Parshat Bamidbar

Please join us for our delightful Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm this Friday.  

This week in Parashat Bamidbar we read the specifics of the 12 tribes camping formations in the desert.  Moses also conducts a census, surveying all males between 20-60 years old.

Our shiur on Shabbat morning commences 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am sharp. A light Kiddush will follow, and all are welcome. Yaakov Gorr and Silke Bohleke will give the Dvar Torah this week.  This week will be the last Shabbat at Shira for Yaakov and Marion Gorr as Melbourne residents, and we wish them all the best, and hope to see them at shule in the future.


We welcome you all to our traditional Tikkun Leil Shavuot at 8pm on Tuesday 3 June, Erev Shavuot, for a night of learning Torah, and of course, cheesecake.

Our theme this year is "Love in the Time of Torah" and we are thrilled to have an amazing array of speakers to engage us in thought provoking learning and discussion.

Our speakers are:

Salvador Litvak ( The Accidental Talmudist), American screenwriter, film director and producer (here as a guest of Limmud Oz): 

TOPIC - Love in the Talmud

Dr Nathan Wolski, Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Monash University

TOPIC - The Palace of Love in the Zohar: "Deus Caritas Est" Zohar Style

Professor Andrew Benjamin, Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Though, Monash University: 

TOPIC - With beauty’s children only can we live’: Love and self-love, poetry and Torah

Merav Carmeli, Currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar"

TOPIC - 'Arousing the Divine Feminine - the Role of the Zoharic Kabbalists'.

Ellyse Borghi, Lawyer with a keen interest in all things gender and Jewish


Adam Hyman, Former student of Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, and film production and cinema studies.

TOPIC - 'Reading Midrash Reading Chumash: Interpreting Interpretations, or If Moshe speaks to Aharon in a desert and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?'

In other community news, Limmud Oz is being held this year in Melbourne form 7 to 9 June.  there will be 180 sessions led by international and local presenters (including Shira members) of pluralist Jewish learning, as well as many musical performances.  For more information and tickets (early bird prices end 31 May), please see here.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on May 22, 2014 .

Parshat Bechukotai

Please join us this week for a spirited and thought provoking panel on Shabbat 17 May, after Shule.  We are hosting a Q&A at Shira:  The Racial Discrimination Act - is it good for Australia?

This topical issue will be moderated by Ittay Flescher, and we are honoured to have the following as guest speakers on our panel:

Michael Gawenda:  Award winning journalist and author.

James Paterson:  Director of Development and Communications at the Institute of Public Affairs.

Nasya Bahefen:  Senior Lecturer in the School of Media and Communication at UNSW.

David Marlow:  Executive Director of the JCCV.

For more detailed bios and to read up on some interesting articles about this topic, please see our Facebook page here.

We will have a light Kiddush before the Q&A and we appreciate your contribution of $10 for this Kiddush, payable here.  Otherwise, we welcome you to just join us for the panel if you wish.

We also warmly welcome you to our regular Kabbalat Shabbat service at 6pm this week. There will be a shiur this week commencing at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am sharp.

Save the date!  Shavuot is approaching, and we have a fabulous line up for Tikkun Leil Shavuot on evening 3 June - Watch this Space!

In other community news, Limmud Oz is being held this year in Melbourne from 7 to 9 June.  There will be 180 sessions led by international and local presenters (including some Shira members) of pluralist Jewish learning, as well as many musical performances.  For more information and tickets (early bird prices before 31 May), please see here.

We look forward to seeing you this Shabbat on what is sure to be a robust and fascinating debate.

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on May 15, 2014 .

Parshat Behar

Please join us for a warming Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm this week.  Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp this Shabbat morning.  Please note that there is no shiur this week!

This week's Parasha, Behar, tells us about the laws of Shmittah, the Sabbatical year where working on the land in Israel ceases every seventh year.  Chooch (Esther) Takac will be giving the Dvar Torah this Shabbat on "My Promised Land - Parashat Behar and Ari Shavit". We look forward to seeing you all there. A light Kiddush will follow as usual.

Next Shabbat, 17 May, we are hosting Q&A at Shira: The Racial Discrimination Act - is it good for Australia?

Please join us for a spirited and thought provoking panel, sure to inspire robust debate, moderated by Ittay Flescher.

We are honoured to have the following guests as speakers on our panel:

Michael Gawenda: Award winning Journalist and author.

James Paterson: Director of Development and Communications at the Institute of Public Affairs.

Nasya Bahefen: Senior Lecturer in the School of Media and Communication at UNSW.

David Marlow:  Executive Director of the JCCV.

For more detailed bios and to read up on some interesting articles about this topic, please see our Facebook page here.

We will have a Kiddush before the Q&A, and we appreciate your contribution of $10 for this Kiddush by Monday 12 May, for catering purposes.  You can make your payment here. Otherwise, we welcome you to just join us for the panel if you wish.

Hope to see you at this event, listening to a wide variety of views on this very topical issue.

Shavuot is approaching and once again, we are delighted to be hosting our always interesting and engaging Tikkun Leil Shavuot at night 3 June.  Watch this space!

Limmud Oz is being held this year in Melbourne from 7 to 9 June. There will be 180 sessions led by international and local presenters (including many Shira members) of pluralist Jewish learning, as well as many musical performances.  For more information and tickets please see here (early bird prices before 31 May).

Shabbat Shalom.

Posted on May 8, 2014 .

Parshat Emor

Please join us for an uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp on Shabbat morning.  Please note there is no shiur this week!

Shabbat this week: 3 May

This week's Parsha - Emor - means "speak". After shule, we are excited to hear the Carmeli-Wolski family speak in honour of Yom Ha'atzmaut in a panel entitled:  Reflections in Nationalism:  Our experience as students and parents at the Hand in Hand Bilingual School in Jerusalem.

For the past three years, Merav Carmeli, Nathan Wolski, and their children, Layla, Ella and Lev lived, worked and studied in Jerusalem. Layla, Ella and Lev all attended the bi-lingual Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem from 2011.

The bi-lingual school is a unique school in Jerusalem, attended by both Jewish and Arab children. A terrific short video of the school can be viewed here.

Merav Carmeli has an MA in Jewish Thought from the Hebrew University and is currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar".  She has been the manuscript editor for the Zohar: Pritzker Edition for the last 10 years. She was on the Board of the Du-Leshoni (Jewish-Arab) school in Jerusalem.

Dr Nathan Wolski is a lecturer in Jewish Studies at the ACJC, Monash University.  He has written extensively on the Zohar and is currently completing volumes 10 and 12 for the Zohar: Pritzker Edition, a translation and commentary.

Please join us for a Kiddush lunch to hear Nathan, Merav and of course, Layla, Ella and Lev reflect on their time at this school.

The cost for the Kiddush lunch is $15. Payment for the lunch can be made here.

Shabbat 17 May:  Q&A at Shira: The Racial Discrimination Act - is it good for Australia?

We have a very topical event coming up shortly, moderated by our very own Tony Jones, Ittay Flescher.

Please join us for a spirited and thought provoking panel on 17 May, after Shule. We are honoured to have the following speakers on our panel:

Michael Gawenda: Journalist and author.

James Paterson: Director of Development and Communications at the Institute of Public Affairs.

Nasya Bahefen: Senior Lecturer in the school of Media and Communication at UNSW.

David Marlow:  Executive Director of the JCCV.

For more detailed bios of the speakers, and interesting articles on this topic, please see our Facebook page here.  

We will have a Kiddush before the Q&A, and we appreciate your contribution of $10 for this Kiddush. The Kiddush payment can be made here.  Otherwise, you are more than welcome to just join us for the panel if you wish.  


Finally, in these weeks of commemorations and celebrations, we invite you to read this beautiful poem commemorating the Shoah, penned by our own Ronit Travers entitled "The Sacrifice of Yitzchak".  It is written in both Hebrew and English.  You can read this poem here

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on May 1, 2014 .

Parshat Kedoshim

We hope you had a liberating and joyful Pesach - we have many exciting and interesting upcoming events planned so please keep an eye out on facebook and email.

This week we read Kedoshim, and amongst the list of mitzvot and prohibitions, we find the beautiful dictum, to love your fellow as yourself.

Please join us for a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shabbat morning shiur starts at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  A light Kiddush will follow.  We extend a warm (belated) welcome toRonit Prawer and Idan Dershowitz who are visiting here from Israel, it has been lovely to see them at shule.  Idan Dershowitz is studying and writing about the Bible and Egyptology in Israel, and will be giving the Dvar Torah this week.

Special Yom Ha'atzmaut Shira Kiddush:  

On 3 May, we will have a very special Kiddush and Discussion Panel with the Carmeli-Wolski family in honour of Yom Ha'atzmaut entitled: "Reflections in Nationalism: Our experience as students and parents at the Hand in Hand Bilingual School in Jerusalem".

For the past three years, Merav Carmeli, Nathan Wolski, and their children, Layla, Ella and Lev lived, worked and studied in Jerusalem.  

Merav Carmeli has an MA in Jewish Thought from the Hebrew University and is currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar".  She has been the manuscript editor for the Zohar: Pritzker Edition for the last 10 years. She was on the Board of the Du-Leshoni (Jewish-Arab) school in Jerusalem.

Dr Nathan Wolski is a lecturer in Jewish Studies at the ACJC, Monash University.  He has written extensively on the Zohar and is currently completing volumes 10 and 12 for the Zohar: Pritzker Edition, a translation and commentary.

Layla, Ella and Lev all attended the bi-lingual Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem from 2011.

We are thrilled to welcome them back to our community and to hear their reflections on their time at the Bilingual school, which is a unique school in Jerusalem for Jewish and Arab children, details of which can be found here.  You can also watch a short video about this school here.

Please join us for a Kiddush lunch to hear Nathan, Merav, and of course Layla Ella and Lev, reflect on their time at this school.

The contribution to the Kiddush is $15 per head.  Could you please confirm you are attending and pay by this Tuesday 28 April.

Payments can be made here.

Communal events:

The JCCV will have a commemoration for Yom Hashoah, on Sunday 27 April, at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash Clayton.  Details and ticket information are at this link: 

The ZCV will have a commemoration for Yom Hazikaron on 4 May, at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash Clayton.  Details can be found here.

The ZCV have two Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations - a concert on 5 May at the Melbourne Recital Centre.  Details and ticket information can be found here.  They also have a Family Festival on 6 May at Beth Weizmann.  Details can be found here.  

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on April 25, 2014 .

Shabbat Chol Hamoed & Pesach at Shira

We hope your seders were liberating and joyful and you are still enjoying your matzah!

This Shabbat we read the beautiful Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs), please join us for an intimate rendition of this classic text.  We also read the haunting story of the Valley of the Dry Bones from Ezekial in this week's Haftarah.  We look forward to seeing you at 9.15am this Shabbat (please note this week's earlier time to allow for the additional reading).  Kabbalat Shabbat is on at 6pm this week.

Pesach times are otherwise as follows:

21 April (Day 7): 9.30am, Dvar Torah by Merav Carmeli; and 22 April (Day 8): 9.30am, Yizkor is approximately 11.3oam.

Save the date!  On 3 May, we will have a very special Shabbat Kiddush panel in honour of Yom Ha'atzmaut - details to follow.

Chag Sameach & Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on April 17, 2014 .


Wishing you all a happy and liberated Pesach.

To sell your chametz, before Sunday night, please click here.

If you are looking for a place at a seder over Pesach, please contact Ilana here.

Pesach times are as follows:

14 April/Erev Pesach: Mincha 5.45pm
15 April: Shacharit 9.30am - Dvar Torah - Joel Lazar
16 April: Shacharit 9.30am - Dvar Torah - Alana Bruce
18 April/Erev Shabbat: Kabbalat Shabbat 6pm
19 April/Shabbat: Shacharit 9.15am - Shir Hashirim (song of songs) is read
21 April (day 7): Shacharit 9.30am - Dvar Torah - Merav Carmeli
22 April (day 8): Shacharit 9.30am - Yizkor is approximately 11.30am

For information and tickets for the communal ZCV Yom Ha'atzmaut concert please click here, and for the communal ZCV Yom Hazikaron event, please click here.  ZCV are also running a Yom Ha'atzmaut festival, for more information please click here.

Chag Sameach!

Posted on April 12, 2014 .

Parshat Achrei Mot/Shabbat HaGadol

We welcome you all this week to a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat at the new time of 6pm. Thank you to all those who have booked for the pre-Pesach dinner/Buchenwald Ball after the service.  We look forward to sharing a special night together.

Shabbat morning services commence with our regular shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am. Mazel tov to Lionel Lubitz who will be reading the Haftorah to mark his bar mitzvah anniversary. The Dvar Torah will be given by Professor Steven Prawer. A light kiddush will follow.

**Got chametz?  Please click here to sell your chametz by Sunday night before Pesach**  

If you are looking for a place at a seder over Pesach, please contact Ilana here. Pesach tfilla time can be viewed on our website.

Iraqi-Israeli Oud Musician Yair Dalal: Yair will be playing at the Sasson Yehuda Sephardi Synagouge at 6:30pm on Thursday 24th April.  Yair has previously played at WOMADelaide, and this event is a one off, focussing on Jewish music from the Iraqi tradition. Tickets $25 or for groups bookings of 20+, $20 each. Bookings/info here.

Benji Prawer is currently partaking in "Live Below the Line", an initiative that sees participants live on $2 a day for 5 days to raise funds and awareness for extreme poverty.  Benji is almost at his personal goal of raising $2000, and would greatly appreciate any donation.Donations can be made here.

Limmud Oz is back in Melbourne over Queen's Birthday weekend 7-9 June.  Please see website for details.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach

Posted on April 10, 2014 .

Parshat Metzora

Please join us in song for Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm (last one at this time before Daylight Savings ends Saturday night).  

Shabbat morning service commences with a shiur  at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  This Shabbat we are delighted to celebrate the batmitzvah of Gemma Smithson. We wish a mazel tov to Gemma and the whole family, and wish you all only nachas and many blessings on this special occasion.  The Smithson family are kindly sponsoring a kiddush in Gemma's honour.  The Dvar Torah will be given by Alan Smithson.  

We are excited to continue to offer our new Shira program for ages 8-14year olds.  Please help spread the word to invite all in this age group to join the fabulous Benji Prawer in the Shabbat Shira "youth movement style"program.  This includes games, fun, food and more - with the unique Shira style!  This program will run weekly at Shule at 11.15am.

Upcoming Pre-Pesach dinner:  Bookings for the Shira Pre-Pesach dinner on 11 April have officially closed.  This year we are joining with the Buchenwald Ball and are anticipating a really special event filled with entertainment, singing, comedy and delicious food.  There is a small window to make bookings here if you haven't yet done so, but bookings will definitely, finally close by end of  today, Friday 4 April.

Got chametz?  Please click here to sell your chametz before Pesach.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on April 3, 2014 .

Parshat Tazria/Shabbat HaChodesh

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm. Shabbat morning service commences with a shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  Shaynee Barnett will be giving the Dvar Torah this week.

This week we are excited to celebrate and to warmly welcome our wonderful Bnei Mitzvah program students and their families, with a special Kiddush in their honour. All are welcome.

New Shira Program starting THIS WEEK for ages 8-14 year olds!!  We invite all 8-14 year olds to join us for a weekly Shira Shabbat program "youth movement style".  Join us for games, fun, food and more, weekly at 11.00am - run by the fabulous Benji Prawer!

Special Pesach event:  We invite the community to a special Shira Pre-Pesach dinner on 11 April at 6.30pm, which will take place together with the Buchenwald Ball.

The Buchenwald Ball is an annual and unique Melbourne tradition.  Since arriving in Australia, the Buchenwald Boys claim that April 11 1945 - the date of their liberation - is also the date of their rebirth.  This year, Shira is proud to invite the Buchenwald Boys and their families to join us for a Shabbat dinner on that date, 69 years after their rebirth. Please join us in dancing and celebrating with them over a delicious catered dinner. There will also be entertainment - for more details, watch this space!

The cost of the dinner is $40 adult/$20 child (under 13).  RSVPs must be finalised by Wednesday 2 April.  Payments can be made here.  We look forward to sharing this special Shabbat dinner together.  (If you find the cost to be prohibitive, please contact Ilana at

Upcoming meeting THIS SUNDAY:  Members of Shira are invited to a meeting this Sunday 30 March from 11.00am-1.00pm to discuss general future directions at Shira.  This is an opportunity for members to have input into crucial issues raised at this years's AGM including the role of a rabbi/spiritual leader and to contribute other ideas for the growth of our community.  The meeting will be held at Shira (222 Balaclava Rd) and will be facilitated by Ittay Flescher.

Shabbat Shalom.

Posted on March 27, 2014 .

Parshat Shmini/Parshat Parah

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm. Shabbat morning service commences with a shiur at9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am. This week we celebrate the barmitzvah anniversary of Steven Ehrenreich - mazel tov! Steven will be leyning his Parsha, and has kindly sponsored the Kiddush this week.Joel Lazar will be giving the Dvar Torah this week.

Upcoming special Pesach event:  We invite the community to a special Shira Pre-Pesach dinner on 11 April at 6.30pm, which will take place together with the Buchenwald Ball.

The Buchenwald Ball is an annual and unique Melbourne tradition.  Since arriving in Australia, the Buchenwald Boys maintain that April 11, 1945 — the date of their liberation — is also the date of their rebirth.  This year, Shira is proud to invite the Buchenwald Boys and their families to join us for a Shabbat dinner on that date, 69 years after their rebirth. Please join us in dancing and celebrating with them over a delicious catered dinner. There will also be entertainment - for more details, watch this space!

The cost of the dinner is $40 adult/$20 child (under 13).  We appreciate your early booking here.  We look forward to sharing this special Shabbat dinner together.  (If you find the cost to be prohibitive, please contact Ilana at

Purim!  Purim was a wonderful success - thank you so much to all the fabulous, tireless volunteers, organisers, entertainers, musicians, leyners and ruach (energy) contributors!  We encourage you to look at the beautiful photos at our facebook page — here and here. (Check out the dragon!)

A special mention to our wonderful Bnei Mitzvah groupwho made and sold delicious hamentashen and raised $130 for their selected charity — Save a Child's Heart.  Well done!

Benji Prawer is participating in "live Below the Line" for his third year. This is a terrific initiative by the Oaktree Foundation that sees participants live off $2 a day for 5 days to raise funds and awareness for extreme poverty. He has a personal goal to raise $2000.  He would gratefully appreciate donations to be made to him at

Upcoming meeting:  Members of Shira are invited to a meeting on Sunday 30 March from 11.00am-1.00pmto discuss general future directions at Shira.  This is an opportunity for members to have input into crucial issues raised at this years's AGM including the role of a rabbi/spiritual leader and to contribute other ideas for the growth of our community.  The meeting will be held at Shira (222 Balaclava Rd) and will be facilitated by Ittay Flescher.

Shabbat Shalom.

Posted on March 21, 2014 .