Please join us for an uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm. Shacharit commences 9.45am sharp on Shabbat morning. Please note there is no shiur this week!
Shabbat this week: 3 May
This week's Parsha - Emor - means "speak". After shule, we are excited to hear the Carmeli-Wolski family speak in honour of Yom Ha'atzmaut in a panel entitled: Reflections in Nationalism: Our experience as students and parents at the Hand in Hand Bilingual School in Jerusalem.
For the past three years, Merav Carmeli, Nathan Wolski, and their children, Layla, Ella and Lev lived, worked and studied in Jerusalem. Layla, Ella and Lev all attended the bi-lingual Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem from 2011.
The bi-lingual school is a unique school in Jerusalem, attended by both Jewish and Arab children. A terrific short video of the school can be viewed here.
Merav Carmeli has an MA in Jewish Thought from the Hebrew University and is currently writing her PhD on "the Divine Feminine in the Zohar". She has been the manuscript editor for the Zohar: Pritzker Edition for the last 10 years. She was on the Board of the Du-Leshoni (Jewish-Arab) school in Jerusalem.
Dr Nathan Wolski is a lecturer in Jewish Studies at the ACJC, Monash University. He has written extensively on the Zohar and is currently completing volumes 10 and 12 for the Zohar: Pritzker Edition, a translation and commentary.
Please join us for a Kiddush lunch to hear Nathan, Merav and of course, Layla, Ella and Lev reflect on their time at this school.
The cost for the Kiddush lunch is $15. Payment for the lunch can be made here.
Shabbat 17 May: Q&A at Shira: The Racial Discrimination Act - is it good for Australia?
We have a very topical event coming up shortly, moderated by our very own Tony Jones, Ittay Flescher.
Please join us for a spirited and thought provoking panel on 17 May, after Shule. We are honoured to have the following speakers on our panel:
Michael Gawenda: Journalist and author.
James Paterson: Director of Development and Communications at the Institute of Public Affairs.
Nasya Bahefen: Senior Lecturer in the school of Media and Communication at UNSW.
David Marlow: Executive Director of the JCCV.
For more detailed bios of the speakers, and interesting articles on this topic, please see our Facebook page here.
We will have a Kiddush before the Q&A, and we appreciate your contribution of $10 for this Kiddush. The Kiddush payment can be made here. Otherwise, you are more than welcome to just join us for the panel if you wish.
Finally, in these weeks of commemorations and celebrations, we invite you to read this beautiful poem commemorating the Shoah, penned by our own Ronit Travers entitled "The Sacrifice of Yitzchak". It is written in both Hebrew and English. You can read this poem here.
Shabbat Shalom