Parshat Tzav

This week we read Parshat Tzav.  The Cohanim (priests) are told their duties and rights, and are brought into the priesthood.  It is also Shabbat Zachor, the Shabbat before Purim, so we also read an additional "zachor" reading, where we are told to remember the story of Amalek.

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm.  Shabbat morning services commences with a shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  

We are delighted this Shabbat to celebrate the bat mitzvah of Amelie Justin, and wish her, her parents Claire & Paul, siblings, grandparents and her entire family a hearty mazeltov, and much nachas.  Amelie's grandfather, Charles Justin will be giving the Dvar Torah, and the Justins will be kindly sponsoring the kiddush this week.    

It's Purim!

Saturday night 15 March - Megilla & Music: Ma'ariv commences 8.30pm, followed by Megillah reading 8.45 sharp.  A  night of musical entertainment & hamentashen will follow.   Please stay after megillah to enjoy the musical talents of Andrew Wirth, Michael Sifris, Aaron Zelman and Ittay Flescher.

Sunday morning, 16 March - Purim: Our fabulous children's program (ages 0-12) will commence at 10.00am-11.30am, with entertainment, arts and crafts and morning tea/mishloach manot provided.  Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins etc….

Sunday morning Megillah reading will then commence 11.30am sharp, followed by a light seudah and entertainment from some of the very talented members of our community - Carmella Rose & Ittay Flescher; Anthony Frosh; Mark Symons & Michael Sifris.  All are very welcome!  Donations towards our seudah are appreciated.

Shira is collecting donations of food on Purim - We will gratefully accept baby formula, baby food packages or baby food jars to shule on Purim.  The NCJWA organisation "Caring Mums" is helping St Kilda Mums make up a baby food pantry.  For more information, see here and here.

Upcoming meeting:  Members of Shira are invited to a meeting on Sunday 30 March 2014 from 11.00am - 1.00pm to discuss general future directions at Shira. This is an opportunity for members to have input into crucial issues raised at this year’s AGM including the role of a rabbi/spiritual leader and to contribute other ideas for the growth of our community. The meeting will be held at Shira (222 Balaclava Road) and will be facilitated by Ittay Flescher.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on March 13, 2014 .

Parshat Vayikra

We now come to the beginning of Vayikra (Leviticus). The Parsha lists in intricate detail, the types of offerings/sacrifices that can be made, and what is in each offering (whether meat or meal).

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm. Shabbat morning services commences with a shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am. The Dvar Torah this week will be given by Sibella Stern. A light Kiddush will follow the Service, sponsored by Sibella Stern. All are welcome!

Come and Celebrate Purim with Shira! 

Want to bake your very own delicious hamentashen, as well as hear a thought provoking shiur on Purim? Come to Shira for our pre-Purim Bake n' Learn on Wednesday 12 March at 8pm - 9pm! We are delighted to have the very talented Dalya Freedman demonstrate and assist in making your very own delicious hamentashen. Baking will be followed by a shiur given by Professor Steven Prawer on "The Role of Chance in Judaism". All ingredients will be provided, but please, BYO tupperware or baking tray. A gold coin donation would be gratefully accepted. Please RSVP to this email so we can buy ingredients.

Saturday night 15 March - Megilla & Music: Ma'ariv commences 8.30pm, followed by Megillah reading 8.45 sharp. A night of musical entertainment & hamentashen will follow.

Sunday morning, 16 March - Purim: Our fabulous children's program (ages 0-12) will commence at 10.00am-11.30am, with magical entertainment, arts and crafts and morning tea/mishloach manot provided. Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins etc….

Sunday morning Megillah reading will then commence 11.30am sharp, followed by a deliciousseudah and entertainment sketches from some of the very talented members of our community - Carmella Rose & Ittay Flescher; Anthony Frosh; Mark Symons & Michael Sifris. All are very welcome!

Upcoming meeting: Members of Shira are invited to a meeting on Sunday 30 March 2014 from 11.00 - 1.00to discuss general future directions at Shira. This is an opportunity for members to have input into crucial issues raised at this year’s AGM including the role of a rabbi/spiritual leader and to contribute other ideas for the growth of our community. The meeting will be held at Shira (222 Balaclava Road) and will be facilitated by Ittay Flescher.

Posted on March 6, 2014 .

Parshat Pekudei

The Mishkan (Tabernacle) is finally completed in this week's parsha, made up of donations from the people.  Moshe anoints the Mishkan, and Aaron and his four sons are made Cohanim (priests).  A cloud of Hashem rests upon the Mishkan upon completion.  When the cloud rises, the people set out of their journey through the desert, and when it did not rise, the people waited until it did.

We have a beautiful instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat this week at 6.30pm.  Shabbat morning service commences with a shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  The Dvar Torah this week will be given by Mandi Sacks.  A light Kiddush will follow the Service.  All are welcome!

We have many exciting upcoming events at Shira.

Firstly, our inaugural Shabbat dinner is this Friday night 28 February at 6.30pm, after Kabbalat Shabbat.  We are excited to have a delicious Shabbat dinner with our very own scintillating panel of "Girls" (the TV show) experts discussing: "Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the Voice of our Generation?"  Bookings have now closed….

We are also thrilled to shortly commence our Bnei Mitzvah program for youth who are turning bar/bat mitzvah in 2014/2015.  Yael Prawer will lead a year long engaging and thought provoking program for youth, commencing 6 March, to be held Thursday evenings.  Please reply to this email for all further enquiries about this program.

It's Purim! We are excited to once again celebrate Purim with the community.  

Want to bake your very own delicious hamentashen?  Come to Shira for our pre-Purim Bake n' Learn onWednesday 12 March at 8pm - 9pm!  We are delighted to have the very talented Dalya Freedmandemonstrate and assist in making your very own delicious hamentashen.  All ingredients will be provided, but please, BYO tupperware or baking tray.  Baking will be followed by some learning about Purim. The cost of this event is free, but a gold coin donation would be gratefully accepted.

Saturday night 15 March, Ma'ariv commences 8.30pm, followed by Megillah reading 8.45 sharp.  A night of musical entertainment will follow. 

Sunday morning, 16 March, our famous children's program (ages 0-12) will commence at 10.00am-11.30am, with fabulous entertainment, arts and crafts and morning tea/mishloach manot provided.  Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins etc….

Sunday morning Megillah reading will then commence 11.30am sharp, followed by a delicious seudah and more entertainment from the very talented members of our community.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 27, 2014 .

Parshat Vayakhel

In this week's Parsha, Moses comes down from the Mountain and we hear the intricate details of building the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and all its' vessels within.  All the people donate material offerings (such as gold, silver, wood, wool and precious stones) to help construct the Mishkan, to the point where Moshe needs to tell the people to stop donating, as there is an abundance, more than what is needed.

Kabbalat Shabbat service commences 6.30pm on Friday night.  Shabbat morning service commences with a shiur at 9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  The Dvar Torah this week will be given by Ronit Travers.  A light Kiddush will follow the Service.

Upcoming events!  The Annual General Meeting of the members of Shira Hadasha will be held this Wednesday on 26 February at 7.30pm at Shira, 222 Balaclava Road.

On 28 February at 6.30pm, we are excited to have a delicious Shabbat dinner with our very own scintillating panel of "Girls" (the TV show) experts discussing: "Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the Voice of our Generation?"  The cost is $25 full or $20 concession/student.  Bookings for this event close Tuesday 25 February, so we encourage you to please book early here.

We are also thrilled to shortly commence our Bnei Mitzvah program for youth who are turning bar/bat mitzvah in 2014/2015.  Yael Prawer will lead a year long engaging and thought provoking program for youth, commencing in March.  Please reply to this email for all further enquiries about this program.

It's Purim! We are excited to once again celebrate Purim with the community.  Saturday night 15 March, Ma'ariv commences 8.30pm, followed by Megillah reading 8.45 sharp.  A  night of entertainment will follow - details to come shortly. 

Sunday morning, 16 March, our famous children's program (ages 0-12) will commence at 10.00am-11.30am, with fabulous entertainment, arts and crafts and morning tea/mishloach manot provided.  Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins etc….

Sunday morning Megillah reading will then commence 11.30am sharp, followed by a delicious seudah and more entertainment - again, more details to follow very shortly.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 20, 2014 .

Parshat Ki Tisa

In this week's Parsha, we hear the narrative of Moses' ascent onto Mt Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, and descent to confront the golden calf.     

Come to shule on Shabbat morning to hear the Torah reading, and to listen to Ittay Flescher's fascinating Dvar Torah on "Ki Tisa - Creating Gods and Golden Calves."

Kabbalat Shabbat service commences 6.30pm on Friday night.  Shabbat morning service commences with a shiur at9.15am, followed by Shacharit at 9.45am.  A light Kiddush will follow the Service.

Upcoming events!  The Annual General Meeting of the members of Shira Hadasha will be held on 26 February at 7.30pm at Shira, 222 Balaclava Road.

On 28 February at 6.30pm, we are excited to have a delicious Shabbat dinner with our very own scintillating panel of "Girls" (the TV show) experts discussing: "Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the Voice of our Generation?"  The cost is $25 full or $20 concession/student.  Please book early here.

We are also thrilled to shortly commence our Bnei Mitzvah program for youth who are turning bar/bat mitzvah in 2014/2015.  Yael Prawer will lead a year long engaging and thought provoking program for youth, commencing in March.  Please reply to this email for all further enquiries about this program.

Finally, a number of members in our community are participating in, and fundraising for, the 60km Peter MacCallum Walk to End Women's Cancers. Annette Charak in her recent drasha spoke from the heart about her struggle with cancer and the importance of community for support. She will be walking on the weekend of 1 March as will many other members of our shul including Michelle Prawer, Diane Lankri, Lorraine Abraham, Naomi Rassaby and Ann Wollner.  We wish all these women and their teams all the  very best. If you would like to donate to any of these participants, you can do so directly here.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 13, 2014 .

Parshat Tetzaveh

This parsha looks at the holy garments and paraphernalia which Aaron and his sons wore whilst serving as Cohanim (priests).  Amongst the most evocative is the blue woollen cloak with golden bells and (decorative) pomegranates at the hem, as well as the sacred breastplate with 12 precious stones.

It may be too warm this Shabbat for such outfits, but we welcome you into our lovely cool air-conditioned shule for a Kiddush followed by a fascinating panel on"Contemporary Issues in Paediatrics",  given by Dr Gary Freed and Dr Lionel Lubitz. 

Gary will speak on The Ageing of Australia - it's not just about the old people.  He will focus on how the ageing of Australia is impacting health care delivery to children - and with some unexpected consequences of longevity!  Lionel will discuss challenging pediatric cases that take us into the areas of ethics, responsibility for those whose decisions are made by others rather than the child (i.e. parents/doctors), and where issues such as immunisations fit into the "freedom to choose".  Sara Kowal will moderate the panel, and invite what is sure to be robust discussion and questions from the audience. 

We still appreciate contributions for our Kiddush at $10 a head.  If you have not already done so, you can pay here.  

Save the date - 28 February 2014 at 6.30pm:   Our first Friday night dinner for this year is a scintillating panel of "Girls" experts discussing Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the voice of our Generation?  The cost is $25 full/$20 concession or student.  We encourage you to book early here.  

Also, a further reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the members of Shira Hadasha will take place on 26 February 2014 at the shule at 7.30pm.

Will you volunteer for our salad roster?  A small team have been providing delicious fresh salads at our Kiddushim, and we are seeking to widen the roster.  We would really appreciate more volunteers to make a salad (can be as little or as often as you like), for which you will be reimbursed.  Please reply to this email if you are interested. 

Kabbalat Shabbat commences at 6.30pm, and Shabbat morning tefilla commences at 9.15am with a shiur and Shacharit at 9.45 am.  We look forward to seeing you at shule.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on February 6, 2014 .

Parshat Teruma

This week's parsha is an architect/interior designer's dream - a sumptuous detailed list of how to construct the Mikdash (the sanctuary), the ark, and all the dwellings within.  The details of the gold, silver, copper and rich colours are all alive and vivid in their descriptions.

With albeit not as much gold, but still beautiful in its surrounds, we look forward to seeing you at our shule this week. Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday night begins at 6.30pm.

Shabbat morning tefilla starts with a shiur at 9.15am and Shacharit commences at 9.45am.  This week, we have the absolute pleasure to host a Simchat Bat for one of our newest members Shifra Sheina Sacks-Frosh, daughter of Rachel Sacks Davis and Anthony Frosh.  The Kiddush this week is kindly sponsored by Ron and Vardit Sacks-Davis.  We wish the entire family mazel tov and much nachas always from your darling daughter.

Save the date #1!  We are lucky to have two mavens (experts) in paediatrics as well as valued regulars in our shule — Professor Dr Gary Freer and Associate Professor Dr Lionel Lubitz. Next Shabbat, 8 February after shule, they will be part of a fascinating panel broadly entitled: "Contemporary issues in Paediatrics". Gary will speak on "The Ageing of Australia — it's not just about the old people".  He will focus on how the ageing of Australia is impacting health care delivery to children — and some unexpected consequences of longevity! Lionel will discuss challenging paediatric cases that take us into the areas of ethics, responsibility for those whose decisions are made by others rather than the child (such as parents/doctors) and where issues like immunisation fit into the 'freedom to choose'. 

Both topics are guaranteed to generate plenty of interesting discussion! There will be a delicious catered Kiddush, and we would appreciate contributions of $10 a head towards our Kiddush costs. To pay for the lunch, please click here.  

Save the date #2! We are excited to announce our first Friday night Shabbat dinner for 2014 for 28 February after Kabbalat Shabbat, which will involve great company, good food and a scintillating panel entitled: Kol Isha: Is Lena Dunham's Girls the voice of our generation? The cost is $25 full/$20 concession or student.  More details to follow, but we encourage you to book early here.

We look forward to seeing you at shule!

There are many ways to be involved in Shira this year.  If you would like to give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush, celebrate a simcha and/or commemorate a yarzheit, please reply to this email.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on January 30, 2014 .

Parshat Mishpatim

This week's parsha is a veritable treasure trove of mitzvot - 53 of them in fact!  The Torah reading includes laws concerning manslaughter, theft, kidnapping, and oppression to the stranger, widows and orphans.  Come to shule to hear the rest...

Kabbalat Shabbat services are back!  We look forward to welcoming you at our first service for 2014 this Friday night at 6.30pm.

Shabbat morning tefilla starts with a shiur at 9.15am and shacharit commences at 9.45am. Given it is parshat Mishpatim (laws) it is only apt that the drasha this week will be given by Justice Michael Sifris.

There are many ways to be involved in what promises to be an exciting year for Shira this year.  If you would like to give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush, celebrate a simcha and/or commemorate a yarzheit, please reply to this email.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on January 23, 2014 .

Parshat Yitro

In this week's parsha, the Jews heard the Ten Commandments and discovered a whole new code of conduct.  The prohibitions on 'theft' and on 'coveting' left them unclear as to whether they could still pinch their neighbour's hard rubbish - needed the Oral Law to clear that one up! 

Welcome to 2014! We have some wonderful events lined up for this year, and great speakers as well. 

Please note that there will be NO kabbalat shabbat on Friday - we look forward to welcoming you instead on Shabbat morning at 9.45am for shacharit.

We are delighted to honour Joseph Zeleznikow on the occasion of his barmitzvah! Mazal tov to your parents Lisa and John, and to your whole family as well. The Zeleznikow family invite the whole community to a delicious kiddush at the home of the Prawer family. 

Michelle Prawer will be taking part in The Weekend to End Women's Cancers benefiting the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. It is a 2-day, 60-kilometre walk. If you'd like to sponsor Michelle (tax deductible) click here. Kol hakavod Michelle and good luck!

If you would like to give a drasha, sponsor a kiddush or commemorate a simcha or yahrzeit this year, please reply to this email to book it in in advance.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on January 16, 2014 .

Parshat Shemot

In this week's parsha, brave midwives Shifra and Puah do not comply with the Pharaoh's command to kill Jewish male babies. It is a good time to be born a girl  - and so too we are blessed to have another baby girl joining our community - a daughter born to Rachel Sacks-Davis and Anthony Frosh. Mazal Tov!

Join us for our last Shabbat at Shira for 2013. We will be taking a break over the Summer while people are away, and starting again, well rested, on Jan 17th.

Kabbalat Shabbat is at 6.30pm and Shabbat morning starts at 9.15am with a shiur followed by shacharit. We are delighted to have Natalie Krasnostein doing a bibliodrama to explore this week's drama filled parsha. Shira is sponsoring a kiddush to mark the end of the year, so keep room in your stomachs for the amazing cheesecake!

We wish you a fun, restful and relaxing holiday and look forward to a new year filled with simchas to celebrate with the Shira community.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on December 19, 2013 .

Parshat Vayechi

The birkat Cohanim, or priestly prayer, is derived from this week's parsha when Jacob blesses his grandchildren, Joseph's sons. These are the first pair of siblings in the Jewish line to not double cross or attempt to kill one another. Here is an amazing clip of this blessing being said by the Chief Rabbi at the kottel in front of a crowd of many thousands.

This Friday we commemorate the fast of 10th Tevet, where Nebuchadnezzer laid siege to Jerusalem. Kabbalat Shabbat at 6.30pm will have a more sombre tone than usual, using some lovely niggunim and harmonies from Leonard Cohen. 

Shabbat morning starts at 9.15am with a shiur followed by shacharit. This week's drasha is being given by Joel Lazar, with kiddush to follow. 

roject Zug is an initiative that connects Jews in different countries through on-line hevruta (one-to-one) learning, organised by acclaimed teachers from Jerusalem and the USA. If you are interested in an international chevruta style of learning, check out their website on link above.

Trip to Jerusalem: There will be a Jewish, Catholic and Muslim 'Joint Journey to Jerusalem' next year 18-27 May, to visit each other's sacred places, learn texts and share space in the 'City of Peace'. It is being highly subsidised and only 12 places are available. Read more here and register your interest asap.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on December 12, 2013 .

Parshat Vayigash

"Enough with this broygus" cries Joseph as he reveals himself to his brothers in Egypt. "I haven't been to shabbat dinner in 22 years, not since you threw me in to that pit. Let's head out to the summer house in Goshen for a big family reunion".  - a snippet of this week's parsha!

Please join us at 6.30pm for kabbalat Shabbat and then on Shabbat morning at 9.15am for a shiur followed by shacharit. We are having a Q & A session with John Safran being interviewed by Sara Kowal about his recent book "Murder in Mississippi" over a light kiddush-lunch. If you would like to purchase a signed copy of the book, please reply to this email to let me know. Otherwise copies may be purchased here. We would appreciate contributions of $10 a head towards our kiddush costs - thank you in advance to those who do so here.

Next Friday on Fri Dec 13th we will be having a Leonard Cohen themed kabbalat shabbat - bring your instruments and your funky musician hats as well.

Mazal Tov to our gabbai Seraphya Berrin on becoming an Australian citizen! 

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on December 5, 2013 .

Parshat Miketz

Special Kabbalat Shabbat: Please join us for a chanukah party at 6pm on Friday (earlier than usual start) for live music, singing, doughnuts and kabbalat Shabbat. A great night to bring your family along! We will also be paying tribute to Arik Einshtein z'l, a wonderful singer who passed away this week. You may know him through 'oof gozal', 'ani ve'ata' or even 'erev shel shoshanim'. We will be using some of his beautiful tunes in our tefilla.

Shabbat morning starts at 9.15am with a shiur followed by tefilla, and we are looking forward to a drasha by Annette Charak. The Herz-Charak family are kindly sponsoring this week's kiddush - thank you!

Guest speaker this shabbat afternoon: Orthodoxy — What is it; What Challenges does it Face; Who cares? 

On Shabbat at 5pm, at 28 Kambea Grove, Caulfield, Rabbi Dr Sam Lebens will be speaking on the topic: 

"Orthodoxy - What is it; What Challenges does it Face; Who cares? What beliefs are really foundational to Orthodoxy? Does biblical criticism hold any theological significance? What is a literary work? What does it mean to be the author of a literary work? What literary genre is the Bible?"

Thank you to Nomi Blum and family for hosting this event. Rabbi Lebens is  in Australia as a guest of Mt Scopus College.

Kiddush Lunch with John Safran Dec 7th

In a Q and A with Sara Kowal, John Safran will be discussing his new book: Murder in Mississippi following shul next Shabbat. When filming his tv series Race Relations, Safran spent an uneasy couple of days with a notorious white supremecist. A year later, he heard that the man had been murdered - and that the killer was black.  Safran covered the trial and wrote a book about his amazing experiences. Read it before next week so the Q and A is more meaningful — buy it here.

We would appreciate contributions of $10 a head towards our kiddush costs. Please donate here to help us cater this event.

Food Roster: 

We are in need of assistance with a food roster for a member of our community who is recovering from surgery. If you are able to help out, please click here.

Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach

Posted on November 28, 2013 .

Parshat Vayeshev

Sibling rivalry marks new extremes in this week's parsha where Joseph's brothers throw him in a pit and then sell him to passing Ishmaelites. My brothers would hide my barbie dolls and occasionally wreck my leggo, so I'm thinking I got off lightly.

Please join us for kabbalat Shabbat at 6.30pm and then for a shiur on Shabbat at 9.15am followed by shacharit. This week's drasha is being given by Max Denishensky, with a kiddush to follow.

Kiddush Lunch and Speaker Dec 7th - John Safran will be joining us to discuss his new book Murder in Mississippi

When filming his TV series Race Relations, John Safran spent an uneasy couple of days with one of Mississippi's most notorious white supremacists. A year later, he heard that the man had been murdered – and what was more, the killer was black.

Safran jumped on a plane to cover the trial, and wrote a book about his amazing experiences there.  You may like to read the book before he speaks at Shira. It can be purchased from Penguin here.

We would appreciate contributions towards our kiddush-lunch costs of $10 a head. Please donate here if you would like to come.

Seudah Shlishit Dec 20th - Sam Lebens is in Australia as a guest of Mt Scopus College and has happily agreed to speak at a seudah shlishit at 5pm, venue yet to be confirmed, on the topic: 

Orthodoxy: What is it; What challenges does it face; Who cares?

Shabbat Shalom!

Posted on November 21, 2013 .

Parshat Vayishlach

There is not much cheery news from this week's parsha. Yaakov is faced with Esav on a warpath towards him, and then dislocates his hip fighting an angel. Rough day. At least when I fight with my angels, they just throw their dinner under the table and yell a bit :)

Please join us at 6.30pm for Kabbalat Shabbat with a few new tunes from Nava Tehilla in Jerusalem. Shabbat morning starts at 9.15am with a shiur and shacharit to follow at 9.45am. The drasha will be given by Gabbi Sar Shalom, with a kiddush to follow.

Mitzvah Day is on Sunday. Shira are helping to organise and paint a warehouse for the charity St Kilda Mums. Could all volunteers arrive promptly at 10am at 5 Vale St, St Kilda, wearing clothes appropriate for paintingand also appropriate for the weather as the warehouse does not have heating/cooling. We would like to send out a huge thank you to all the volunteers who are giving their morning for this really wonderful cause. It is great to do tzedaka with your body and not just your pocket! Anyone who wants to turn up on the day, even without having RSVP'd is more than welcome.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on November 14, 2013 .

Parshat Vayetze

In Parshat Vayetze, Yaakov goes to bed thinking he's with his wife, only to awaken next to his sister-in-law. How does he resolve this socially awkward moment over breakfast? Come and hear it on Shabbat to find out!

Kabbalat Shabbat is at 6.30pm and Shabbat morning shiur is at9.15am. Mark Baker will be giving a drasha around the theme of reconciliation in light of his recent experiences in South Africa and Rwanda..

Mizvah day is on November 17th - we are a few volunteers short for the St Kilda mums warehouse clean up, so please email if you can join us at 10am at 5 Vale St, St Kilda.

Ellyse Borghi continues to be a source of naches for our shul during her time in Hong Kong. She has written a great piece for The Well about being a 'social justice worker' - read full article here.

Limmudfest is on 22-24 November, registrations are quickly filling up so you'll need to rsvp now if you wish to attend this wonderful weekend of guest speakers, eating and shmoozing. See full program here.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on November 7, 2013 .

Parshat Toldot

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat at 6.30pm. Last week's musical tefilla was really lovely, thank you to Ittay Flescher for your wonderful strumming and harmonies. If anyone else has a musical talent they wish to bring, please email and be in touch (or your kids or grandkids too!)

Shabbat morning starts at 9.15am with a shiur followed by shacharit. Ittay is giving the drasha, followed by a light kiddush. We would also like to continue our salad making roster - Shira will reimburse you for your ingredients, if you can prepare a salad in our kitchen on shabbat morning for our kiddush. Please reply if you want to take part.

Mitzvah Day: There are still a handful of spots left for volunteering with St Kilda Mums on November 17th at 10am. Please rsvp if you can help with sorting out second hand goods to needy families at 5 Vale St St Kilda.

Shuk Caulfield Chanukah Market is coming up on Nov 10th — see here for details.

Limmud Fest (22-24 Nov) is a cross-communal weekend retreat with a limmud style program, combining Jewish learning, culture and discussion over shabbat, set in the beautiful surrounds of Daylesford. Check out the program here, and register now for what promises to be the Jewish cultural event of the year.

Baruch dayan ha'emet: We would like to offer condolence to the many young members of Shira who were friends of Robbie Piro z'l who passed away this week. Our shul is a source of support and care for anyone in need, so please be in touch if a pastoral carer can be of help to you, your friends or family.

Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom

Posted on October 31, 2013 .

Parshat Vayera

In parshat Vayera, Sarah and Avraham are told that they will become parents in their ripe old age. Sarah laughs upon hearing the news, and for this, her son is named 'Yitzchak - he will laugh'. 

Another set of new parents who are certainly laughing with joy at the moment are Galit and Dean, who are celebrating the naming of their new daughter in shul on Shabbat. May your lives be filled with joy and may your beautiful little girl keep you laughing until your ripe old age as well! Mazal Tov. Dean and Galit are sponsoring this week's kiddush.

Kabbalat Shabbat starts at 6.30pm, and we are delighted to be hosting the participants of the Muslim Leadership Program for the tefillah and for dinner. Registrations for dinner have now closed, but all are welcome to meet and shmooze before Kabbalat Shabbat.

On Shabbat we have our regular shiur at 9.15am, followed by shacharit, and the Simchat Bat. 

Mitzvah Day: On November 17th at 10am, Shira will be participating in Mitzvah day where the whole community participates in various volunteer works. Shira have nominated to help a wonderful organisation called St Kilda Mums in a working bee to tidy up their warehouse at 5 Vale St, St Kilda to sort out donations of baby goods that can be recycled to those in need. We can only take 20 volunteers, so please RSVP to this email or on facebook to confirm your spot.

Tribute Art Exhibition: All are invited to celebrate the life and art of ZsuZsi Hartman z'l on 27th Oct, 7pm. Natalie Krasnostein has compiled an exhibition of her mother's works spanning 40 years. Please click here for details for this lovely event.

Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom!


Posted on October 17, 2013 .

Parshat Lech Lecha

This Shabbat, a new series begins on channel Lech Lecha called "My Husband Is Really My Brother". One reviewer said "The riveting storyline kept me in shul for the whole episode. Avram escapes plagues, Egyptian kings and survives parenting in his 80's, not to mention the circumcision.. . he should be the star of 'Survivor - Bible'."

Daylight Savings Shul Time: Please join us at the new time of 6.30pm for Kabbalat Shabbat. On Shabbat day we have our regular shiur at 9.15am followed by shacharit. We are delighted to have Gávi Ansara back down in Melbourne to give this week's drasha. Gávi was recently a guest of Shira at a shabbat talk about inclusiveness for GLBTI Jews in our community which was very well received.  

Bon Voyage: Our kiddush this week is being sponsored by Andrew Wirth and Lynette Chazan in honour of their upcoming sabbatical in NYC. They are taking literally the commandment in the parsha to "lech lecha - go from your land". We wish you wonderful adventures on your travels!

Jewish and Muslim Dinner Oct 18th - This will be a fantastic evening for dialogue and myth busting. Bookings for next Friday's dinner must close by Tuesday. Cost $15. You can pay via paypal on our website here.

Mitzvah Day: On November 17th at 10am, Shira will be participating in Mitzvah day where the whole community participates in various volunteer works. Shira have nominated to help a wonderful organisation called St Kilda Mums in a working bee to tidy up their warehouse at 5 Vale St, St Kilda to sort out donations of baby goods that can be recycled to those in need. We can only take 20 volunteers, so please RSVP to this email to confirm your spot.

Hineni Bogrim Alumni Network Launch Party - Murder Mystery on 27th Oct.

Shabbat Shalom


Posted on October 10, 2013 .

Parshat Noach

It seems like God is giving us a re-enactment of Parshat Noach this week, with howling winds and hail and rain aplenty. If you see any animals walking in pairs down Carlisle St, you should definitely run to the Spirit of Tasmania for the weekend.

Please join us at 6pm for Kabbalat Shabbat, and on Shabbat at 9.15am for a shiur followed by Shacharit at9.45am. This week's drasha will be given by Yaakov Gorr who will shortly be departing for a trip to Israel to spend some time in ulpan. We wish you all the best!

Jewish and Muslim Dinner: Oct 18th - Join us for the 2nd annual interfaith dinner with the Muslim Leadership Program. If you would like to teach these young leaders about our faith and traditions, and learn about theirs as well, come along to this wonderful evening. Starts at 6.30pm. Cost $15 . You can pay via paypal on our website

Shabbat Shalom!


Posted on October 3, 2013 .